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Dec.17-21 2021 Winter SolsticeThis is a peaceful winter-themed track co-composed by Waterflame and pftq. Ironically the song was named without any awareness to what day the winter solstice actually was, so it was just pure coincidence. There was a bit of a tug-of-war between the song going in Waterflame's happier direction and pftq's more haunting direction, and it eventually became something of a Nightmare Before Christmas sort of feel, which turned out very well.
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Dec.17-21 2021
Winter Solstice
This is a peaceful winter-themed track co-composed by Waterflame and pftq. Ironically the song was named without any awareness to what day the winter solstice actually was, so it was just pure coincidence. There was a bit of a tug-of-war between the song going in Waterflame's happier direction and pftq's more haunting direction, and it eventually became something of a Nightmare Before Christmas sort of feel, which turned out very well.
Also available on Bandcamp, Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube
Created With: FL Studio, East West, FabFilter, 8dio, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe After Effects CS5