// Relative path to folder containing questions/answers dir=20080424/ // table size tsize=.95 // GAMEPLAY //////// // value of each row val=100 // value of final rows valfinal=1000 // # of random daily double questions. doublej=5 // Some consider daily doubles to be "2x" the point value // Setting to 2x makes "100" become "2x100" djval=2x // true/false if final jeopardy at end finaljeo=true // FONTS ///////// // General fontsize (points, questions, etc) regsize=36 // Fontsize of category names on table. catsize=14 // 0.0-1.0 vertical centering for questions/ans anscentering=.5 // Scale of text enlarge effect when mouse passes over buttons. hoverscale=1.25 // ETC ////////////////// // decorative symbols sprites=*,!,$,♫,☺,☻,♥,§,☼,$$$ // intro FLV video (play a logo); Leave blank to disable. See example at www.pftq.com/jeopardy intro=