Blabberbox » Thought of the Day:pftq's occasionally coherent trains of thought.Share on Twitter

4D Quantum Superposition

August 11th, 2017 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Time travel is quantum superposition in 4D by existing across multiple points in time instead of space. And as soon as you witness one, the others disappear.
433 unique view(s)


August 9th, 2017 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Everything is perpetually falling - the moon, the stars, planets...  And perpetually dying.
425 unique view(s)

Different Night Skies

June 1st, 2017 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
That feeling of knowing we see the same night sky, the same stars and constellations, no matter how far apart we are, will one day be replaced by the feeling of realizing we might not even see the same moon.
501 unique view(s)

Death is Only Natural

April 6th, 2017 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Death is only natural... That is, until you find a cure. Then they'll kill you to have it.
568 unique view(s)

World Without Senses

January 3rd, 2017 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Imagine having no sight, no hearing, no senses. The world exists but you wouldn't know it. Your body depends on this place outside your reality, but you aren't even aware of having a body, of its actions from your thoughts, of others who see you and perhaps try to interact with you. God probably thinks we're in a coma.
455 unique view(s)

The Average is Not Real

December 4th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
The average is not a real number. If one fish is fresh water and the other salt, optimizing for the average kills both.
459 unique view(s)

Shaping Dreams

November 5th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Some let the world shape their dreams.  Others let their dreams shape the world.
427 unique view(s)

It Only Takes One

October 22nd, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
If you drop a book a thousand times and just one of those times it doesn't fall, then that is the one datapoint worth looking at. (inspired from "I Origins")
404 unique view(s)

What No One Else Wants

August 18th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Why put effort into something no one else wants? Because I want it. Is your life dream just to serve everyone else?
452 unique view(s)

Time of Night

July 24th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
The music was playing faster, yet the tempo was the same as before. No, in the dead of night, time was just moving faster. Asleep and awake becoming one and the same.
420 unique view(s)

Stretch of Mind

July 9th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Your body can only stretch so far, but your mind can stretch forever.
354 unique view(s)

Butterfly at the Windowsill

June 30th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
A butterfly lay dead at my windowsill this morning, inside, having been unable to escape to the world just beyond the glass.
351 unique view(s)

Arc of Life

June 14th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
In the comfort of youth, I long for the worlds beyond.  In pursuit of the unknown, I yearn for the older, simpler days of familiarity.  In realizing the world I seek does not exist in reality, I run away into my dreams, only for them to fade into memories of what I tried to leave behind.  Hence, God created death.
272 unique view(s)

False Modesty

June 9th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Calling yourself pathetic is not being humble. It's actually being pathetic.
292 unique view(s)

Equality in Differences

March 25th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You don't treat two people equally by forgetting both their names.  Equality doesn't mean removing what makes us different.
457 unique view(s)

Before My Eyes

March 12th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
The world I see when I close my eyes is clearer than the one before me.
467 unique view(s)

Noise and Splattered Colors

March 12th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
This cage that is my mind... The noise and splattered colors that is my reality... What good is it all if no one can see what I see, feel what I feel, in here... You want to escape but not into that world out there.
316 unique view(s)

What Would God Do

January 14th, 2016 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Why would you not aspire to be God? Isn't he supposed to be the best? Why wouldn't he be your role model instead of the guy beneath him?
351 unique view(s)

Helping vs Changing Goals

October 26th, 2015 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You don't help someone by telling them to change their goal.  If you're going to help them, help them achieve it.
295 unique view(s)

Imposing on Others

October 11th, 2015 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Having a person complain while he imposes his will on others is like watching a dog cry while it devours a child.
342 unique view(s)