If you drop a book a thousand times and just one of those times it doesn't fall, then that is the one datapoint worth looking at. (inspired from "I Origins")
The music was playing faster, yet the tempo was the same as before. No, in the dead of night, time was just moving faster. Asleep and awake becoming one and the same.
In the comfort of youth, I long for the worlds beyond. In pursuit of the unknown, I yearn for the older, simpler days of familiarity. In realizing the world I seek does not exist in reality, I run away into my dreams, only for them to fade into memories of what I tried to leave behind. Hence, God created death.
This cage that is my mind... The noise and splattered colors that is my reality... What good is it all if no one can see what I see, feel what I feel, in here... You want to escape but not into that world out there.