Blabberbox » Strange Visitor in GalleryShare on Twitter

Strange Visitor in Gallery

August 12th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Very strange happening today.   I was just going through the site and seeing what everyone was lookin at (cause I can :P ) and there’s this one guy who’s in the user manager (admin panel) of the Gallery.

        Now a few points here.

  1. I’m the ONLY admin on the gallery.
  2. I’m the ONLY MEMBER on the gallery.

        I doubted it for a bit but when I refreshed the page, the guy had gone to another page on the admin panel.   Just incase he had somehow got into my account, I decided to change my password (you can never be too safe :P).   It seemed to work.   The guy got sent to the log out page.   I was watching very carefully what he was doing now.   He went to the log in page.   Then suddenly he ends up in the admin panel again. :O I decided to ban his IP instead.   That seemed to work again as he was sent to the log out page.   But then he just went to the log in page again and ended up on the Ban users page - same as me.   Then he went to the Albums manager.

        I shut down the gallery for a bit to see what he would do (and because I didn’t want anything happening to the albums :P ).   He went to the forums instead where he went idle.   Several minutes later, I reopened the gallery and he appeared on the log in page again.   I shut down the gallery again and come back an hour later to reopen it.   Well he hasn’t back yet as far as I’m concerned.

        Very weird! :P

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