June 6th, 2021
Posted by pftq

15th Anniversary for pftq.com

Fun fact - my site was launched exactly 15 years ago now on 6/6/06. Grin

At the time, my right wrist was broken, and I was teaching myself to program formally for the first time using just my left hand, with the site itself being my first dive into HTML, PHP, MySQL, etc.  Before that, I was modding games using trigger/XS code for things like Age of Mythology / Age of Empires 3, but these weren't real languages that could be used outside of those specific games.  It's also the same year I joined Newgrounds and bunch of other sites, started playing tennis with my left hand and becoming ambidextrous...  Then the year after that, I would get into filmmaking, composing music, trading stocks, etc before getting disappointed by college and further disappointed by adult life. Tongue
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shinmunnlee says...

It really has been 15 years, huh? I still remember the night you shared about the launch of your website. Oh, the good ole days. I hope it was a mere coincidence that the birth of your website is 06/06/06 lol.

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