June 18th, 2018
Posted by pftq

Price Lookup via Cryptocurrency Screener

Extra benefit of the Cryptocurrency Screener sheet I shared earlier in the year is that you can use it to lookup prices without API limits (which @jbuty's plugin seems to hit).

Below are sample formulas you can use in Google Sheet to query my sheet for cryptocurrency prices:

1. Lookup via Cryptocurrency Screener sheet only (if you don't want to install any plugins):
"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12iLyLbSI2odBy4uAIXEm7bLCTds0SApKjsso9UKJ25Q/", "Screener!A:C"), "SELECT Col3 WHERE Col2='BTC'"), 2), 0)

2. Lookup via both Cryptocurrency Screener and CryptoFinance plugin (latter being backup to minimize quota use):
"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12iLyLbSI2odBy4uAIXEm7bLCTds0SApKjsso9UKJ25Q/", "Screener!A:C"), "SELECT Col3 WHERE Col2='BTC'"), 2), IFERROR(CRYPTOFINANCE( "BTC", "price") , 0))
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