November 10th, 2021
Posted by pftq

Jeopardy Maker for MAC

This is an old app I made back in high school that seemed to have problems on MAC in recent years after the newest OS came out.  After a lot of trial-and-error, the download should now work.  Long-story short, it needed to be distributed as a DMG and not a zip.  You can download it here:

A bit more detail for those who may run into the same problem distributing there own software on MAC - the Adobe MAC projector generated in Adobe Animate appears to have a bug ever since CS5 that causes the MAC projector (app file) to corrupt when stored in a ZIP folder.  This wasn't a problem in older versions, as the Jeopardy Maker MAC version was fine for many years after its initial release.  Right now, the solution I'm using is to create a DMG file in TransMAC and then storing the MAC projector (app file) there instead before uploading for people to download.
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