Photos from various districts in Tokyo, including Shibuyu, Shinjuku, Akihabara, and Asakusa. Tokyo is analogous to NYC in that it is high-tech, doesn't need a car, and has just about everything within walking/transit reach, but like NYC, infrastructure is getting a bit old since most of the city was built a long time ago.
Photos from various districts in Tokyo, including Shibuyu, Shinjuku, Akihabara, and Asakusa. Tokyo is analogous to NYC in that it is high-tech, doesn't need a car, and has just about everything within walking/transit reach, but like NYC, infrastructure is getting a bit old since most of the city was built a long time ago.
Album: Japan - Tokyo
Photos from various districts in Tokyo, including Shibuyu, Shinjuku, Akihabara, and Asakusa. Tokyo is analogous to NYC in that it is high-tech, doesn't need a car, and has just about everything within walking/transit reach, but like NYC, infrastructure is getting a bit old since most of the city was built a long time ago.