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Author Topic: Gameshow Maker - Discussion, Help, and Feedback  (Read 129706 times)
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« on: September 02, 2008, 06:37:07 AM »

  Feel free to discuss the Gameshow Maker program here.  Feature requests and template help also welcome!

  To subscribe to news and program updates, consider this topic: Gameshow Maker News and Updates.

   Gameshow Maker can be seen as an extension of the original Jeopardy Maker (which you should check out if you want something more basic and preconfigured).  The idea is allow you to create your own questions/answers gameshow, such as Jeopardy or Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, with little to no work on your end.   Categories, rows, columns, bonuses... Everything is done by the program.  At the absolute minimal, all you need to do is type up the questions.  For the more tech-savy user, virtually everything can be changed in the settings file including sounds, textures, fonts... Gameshow Maker is but a tool to make your presentation.  What you make with it is only limited by your imagination.

Current Feature Requests (wishlist):
- Automatic scoreboard (unlikely, due to varying team setups possible).
- Playable soundclips/videos in questions.
- Skippable intro.
- No category names in flying sprites.
- Buzzer sound effect without displaying answer.
- Random question selection from a list.
- Customizable song per question.
- Category name displayed in question view.

Have a question not answered here? Just ask it! Post a comment!

Nothing happens when I run it, just a blank window.
  Try moving the folder to the desktop.  Windows has become more picky about where programs can be run from.

Can I add more rows/columns?
  Of course! In the setup.ini, there will be a setting for columns number numcats (towards top, under Main).
  For questions, simply add more lines of questions in your text files; logically, keep all number of questions the same (it's a rectangular table so you can't have one extra question jutting out before the others).

Can I add pictures or diagrams to questions and answers?
Yes - through use of HTML tags.
Example from readme:
Bold - text
Italics - text
Underline - text
Linebreak/Newline -

Image -
<img src='filepath to image' />

What about a timer or scoreboard?
  Download Gameshow Maker for the latest version.  Version 1.01 onwards now supports a timer and custom text can be used as a scoreboard.

Is there a Jeopardy template? How do I load it?
  In the setup.ini, find the line (towards top) loadSetup
  Change it to loadSetup=presets/jeopardy.ini
  This will load the jeopardy.ini file in the presets folder.  You can do the same with any other preset.

I have different sets of questions.  How do I avoid making a new game for each?
  Copy-paste the questions folder.  You can maintain separate question groups this way.
  In the setup.ini, edit the line dir= so it reflects the folder you want to use.  For example, it is by default dir=questions/ meaning it will use the questions folder.

Can you embed or include it in Powerpoint?
  Yes, Powerpoint permits embedding Flash files.  Initially there were a few issues with Gameshow Maker in Powerpoint, but version 1.02 onwards works perfectly.  Download the SWF version of Gameshow Maker and follow these instructions for How to Embed Flash in Powerpoint (or search on Google).

Things to keep in mind:
- Make sure the powerpoint file is saved in the same folder as Gameshow Maker.
- For the URL, simply put GameshowMaker.swf (since it's in the same folder) rather than the full filepath.
- I suggest NOT to embed, as GameshowMaker does not consist only of the SWF.

Not working correctly when uploaded online?
- Depending on your server, try different encodings for saving the txt files (for example, I have save them as ANSI instead of Unicode).
- All ini files have to be in the same directory as the SWF, meaning any presets used would have to move up one folder.

How can I change the value increments (100, 200) for each row?
- Open the setup.ini file in a text editor and find "val=" and "valstart=".  Those lines should be easy to understand.  This and many other settings are available in this file to play with.

Point values have a weird character afterward when I leave the category files blank.
- Leave spaces in place for the lines rather than actually having an empty file.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 12:00:28 PM by pftq » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2008, 09:42:32 AM »

I find this program very useful for my class. Is it possible to configure the number of rows?
Thank you.
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« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 12:55:42 PM »

Everything is configurable.  It will count the number of questions you input and create the rows accordingly. Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 12:20:23 PM »

Is it possible to add a scorekeeper and timer?
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« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 08:49:18 PM »

Ah - sorry I don't think I'll be adding those any time soon.  Many of the teachers I've met often have different ways to keep score.  I figured it would be best to simply let the teacher manage the score to keep it as flexible as possible.

In general, I've found people use the question music as timer to the questions (when music stops, time's up).
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« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2008, 09:17:45 PM »

I was wondering if there is anyway to set different music to each question, so it would be possible to do a sorta "Name That Tune" version of the game. If so how would one do it? Thanks ahead of time.
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« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2008, 09:14:11 AM »

No there isn't - sorry.  What you might try to do instead is have the question music set to  nothing (blank) and use an external program to play the music on questions.  I'm not sure what the context of your using the program is though, so I'm not sure if that would be applicable.
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« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2008, 07:08:39 PM »

Your program is great! Thanks! I am creating an "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" game for use at an upcoming teen rally.

Can I add buttons? I want a way to keep track if the contestant has used a lifelines (Peek, Copy, or Save) or not. The button does not have to do anything other than change to a crossed out sign or disappear all together. Also, is there a way to create a ladder? Every time the contestant correctly answer a question I want them to climb a rung to show what current level question they are on. ($1,000, $2,000, $5,000, etc.)
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« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2008, 07:25:04 PM »

Interesting - that was the first use we had for this program. Smiley

Lifelines would have to be kept track outside the gameshow.  You can rename the buttons with the settings so they reflect $1000, $2000, etc instead of the current values.
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« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2008, 07:44:12 PM »

Thanks for the quick response.

Since the buttons can be picked in a non-linear fashion (like the show) the corresponding ladder values will be different. For example on the first rung they could pick question 5, etc. The ladder values are not dependent upon the question picked, but only how many questions have elapsed.

Also, I noticed in the .ini that I can define a separate sound for a correct answer or a wrong answer. How does one get a wrong answer when each question only displays one answer?
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« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2008, 08:06:08 PM »

Click for right answer.
Spacebar for wrong answer.

I see what you mean now by the score.  Yes, that will have to be calculated outside the program.  Currently, there is no form of "memory" so to speak - everything remains relatively static.
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« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2008, 10:06:03 PM »

Is there a way to get the sound playing during a question to loop? Right now all I can see that loops is the sound that plays during the category selection screen.
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« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2008, 04:19:30 PM »

No it does not allow to loop - though you can edit the sound so it loops (there are some free programs such as Audacity).  When I designed the program, I had in mind that the sound would be used as a timer (it stopping meaning time was up).
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« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2008, 08:21:29 AM »

I cannot get my background image to display. When I specify one instead of a gradient the program does not work at all. Are there some requirements on the image size, format, etc.? Thanks.
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« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2008, 09:31:33 AM »

I've tested the program with PNG, BMP, and JPG so those should be safe.

Okay - I've just checked and it appears to be a bug.  Should have this fixed by the end of the day.  I guess it's about time to add a few new features anyways. Smiley
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 10:34:59 AM by pftq » Logged
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