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Sep 02, 2014 Timelapse (Piano)Wasn't sure whether to bother uploading this as it's among my messier and more aimless improvisations. It's another moodier piece; seems like that's all I can play in my improvisations lately. Much of it is drawn from the same frustrations that plagued me last year, mainly that of being stuck and unable to progress from my current stage in life, just watching the days go by like a blur.
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Sep 02, 2014
Timelapse (Piano)
Wasn't sure whether to bother uploading this as it's among my messier and more aimless improvisations. It's another moodier piece; seems like that's all I can play in my improvisations lately. Much of it is drawn from the same frustrations that plagued me last year, mainly that of being stuck and unable to progress from my current stage in life, just watching the days go by like a blur.
Also available at Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, YouTube
Created With: Piano, FL Studio, East West, Maximus