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Tech Trader

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107 unique view(s)

August 5th, 2015

August 5th, 2015 9:37:02 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Just got another health care name KITE as well.  
Update: Didn't hold until close.  Rough day for signals it seems.
KITE on Tech Trader
109 unique view(s)

August 4th, 2015

August 4th, 2015 9:50:20 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader up .5% today with the market flat.  Longs are up about .3%, while shorts, which only are 30% exposure to the 75% long, are up.9%.

Biggest contributer today is shorting CRUS, which is adding 5.4% P&L.  It's impressive that Tech Trader held it short for as long as it did given it's huge run up over the last few weeks.

New positions potentially being added today are long EL and short GRMN, both which look pretty good chart-wise.  EL is forming an ascending triangle breakout while GRMN is just continuing a gradual melt downwards.

August 4th, 2015 2:22:51 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
VA also flagged for long breakout. Didn't make the close today but will get bought at the open tomorrow (consequence of running everything on one machine no budget). Very interesting to see things moving so much again. Winners moving higher and losers getting crushed again.
VA on Tech Trader
August 4th, 2015 11:24:45 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
DOV lining up to be shorted now as well.  Interesting that so many names are being re-shorted after Tech Trader covered at support.  Things are breaking down it seems.
86 unique view(s)

July 31st, 2015

July 31st, 2015 9:04:09 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader closing out the week flat and month up 3% when S&P has been whipsawing to be up 2%.  For the year, the automated strategies in Tech Trader are up 20% and S&P up only a couple percent with much more volatility.  Bottom 30Min etf positions are closed out now.  Exposures are still very neutral at 72% long vs 29% short.  Sector exposures also crushed way down on the lower chart.  Need to get Tech Trader automatically posting its own updates unless I want to become its coffee boy lol

SPY, for comparison (much more volatile and up only a few percent for the year):
77 unique view(s)

July 24th, 2015

July 24th, 2015 9:03:23 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader again up while the market is down.  Current portfolio is up .2% despite remaining intraday bottom signal positions in QQQ and SPY being down.  Market is down over half a percent (SPY .5% and IWM .7%).  Much of Tech Trader's performance today is again owed to being short names like ARRY, FCAU and HLT.
July 24th, 2015 10:31:44 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
There are like 15 stocks being flagged as trendline breakdowns. Those aren't being traded but it gives you a sense of how weak the market is.
July 24th, 2015 1:56:44 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
The Fed accidentally leaks its own reports early again. What's wrong with these guys?
Fed Inadvertantly Publishes Staff Forecast...
87 unique view(s)

July 23rd, 2015

July 23rd, 2015 7:59:21 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
All three intraday bottom signals from the last couple days are working now.  All the more fun when the automation is actually trading calls and not just equity like the model portfolio is showing.

Individual names are doing ok today.  Took a big hit from shorting CRUS (down 17%) but other names like GRPO (+4%), HLT (+2%), etc are doing well enough to neutralize it.  Overall Tech Trader just killing it year-to-date, which really highlights how unique and "human" Tech Trader's trading style is given that a recent article just made the point that humans are beating most other computer-driven funds this year.

Also interesting to note that consumer is starting to take a lead from Healthcare for dominant driver of performance.  Again, none of this is coded.  Tech Trader just looks at individual names like a trader, but the macro themes arise on their own.
July 23rd, 2015 11:00:56 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
UUP (US Dollar ETF) just got intraday bottom. Expecting a bounce over the next few days here as well.
UUP on Tech Trader
July 23rd, 2015 1:07:34 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Market ended the day down .5% on SPY and 1% on IWM. Tech Trader only down .2%. Gross exposure on breakout names starting to rise a bit again but very selective as usual. Long INFN and USG while re-shorting FOSL. The fact any fresh breakout names are being caught on the long side at all shows how idiosyncratic things are, as it has been for most this year.
July 23rd, 2015 12:44:37 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Hoping I get my daily bottom signal at long last. Fingers crossed.
67 unique view(s)

July 22nd, 2015

July 22nd, 2015 6:42:46 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Getting an intraday bottom on SPY, so I'm expecting a bounce over the next day or so.
SPY on Tech Trader
July 22nd, 2015 10:31:44 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader is up .2% today even though SPY is down .3% and QQQ down more than 1%.  Oddly enough, Tech Trader's biggest exposure right now is Technology, which is down 1.5% as a sector but is having little to no impact on Tech Trader's names.  Biggest winners today are the short in ARRY (-4.5%) and long in DRI (3%).

July 22nd, 2015 8:34:43 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
No premarket or aftermarket. I'd need a data feed for that (historical). Would be interesting to test one day though.

QQQ just flagged an intraday bottom as well. So that makes IWM, SPY, and QQQ for intraday now.

July 22nd, 2015 7:13:19 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Zzz market bounced too quickly before my signal could trade. Need to not post these ahead of the signal.
July 22nd, 2015 7:48:02 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Ok got the signal back on the second dip. Tech Trader is in now at $211.50
54 unique view(s)

July 21st, 2015

July 21st, 2015 6:46:14 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
lol we actually have SPY down and IWM up right now.  Even if Tech Trader shorted SPY yesterday in addition to its long IWM, both would have worked out.
51 unique view(s)

July 20th, 2015

July 20th, 2015 8:00:27 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
30-min bottom signal just picked up on IWM at $124.81.
IWM on Tech Trader
July 20th, 2015 8:42:20 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Looks like it might to sell BMRN today.
BMRN on Tech Trader
July 20th, 2015 1:21:19 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader continuing to reduce gross and take gains.  Now 54% long by 25% short (29% net long)
July 20th, 2015 10:27:07 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Wow, I waited all year for Tech Trader to flag SPY as a buy and I get a potential short now instead.  It says SPY is overbought near resistance.  Definitely wait till close to confirm.  What a strange year.
July 20th, 2015 12:51:46 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Lost the short signal on SPY to the end of day sell off.  Still looks bearish IMO, but we needed SPY above $212.90 to be nice enough an entry for shorting.
July 20th, 2015 8:02:35 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
What the crap... IWM just shot up to $125.54.  Good thing it's automated.  Too fast for me
July 20th, 2015 8:49:47 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
LVLT August 60x calls getting bid up a lot if anyone wants to take a deeper look.  10k calls traded when OI is 1k.
July 20th, 2015 10:13:40 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Those calls are $.95 now.
July 20th, 2015 12:23:07 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
What's very odd about the LVLT calls is that the bid/ask is rising even as the stock is pulling back.  .95x1.00 now
53 unique view(s)

July 17th, 2015

July 17th, 2015 7:02:36 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Those ELNK July 8x calls from a couple weeks back are now ITM on day of expiration.  Such an insane trade.
45 unique view(s)

July 16th, 2015

July 16th, 2015 11:03:07 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader again outperforming the market (SPY at .6%, TT at .7%) despite exposures being way down (long 60% and short 30%).  Biggest winner today is not even a long name but a short (GRMN down 8%).

GRMN on Tech Trader
July 16th, 2015 11:38:42 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Here's recent performance by sector.  Mostly profit taking in healthcare.  You can see HC P&L going up the last few days while exposure in the sector has nosedived.
42 unique view(s)

July 14th, 2015

July 14th, 2015 11:20:52 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
RCPT breaking above $200.  Tech Trader making good calls here to stay long.
RCPT on Tech Trader
July 14th, 2015 1:40:30 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader sold NFLX last Friday on the doji top, so it's out before the split (though with no knowledge of it).

I'd just get out of AMZN if there is no good trade to roll into.  These trades are all idiosyncratic, so there is no need for the mindset that you need to be in all or no trades.

Also, Tech Trader is closing out a lot of positions.  Exposures are going way down right now.  Exited RCPT on potential resistance, but it can easily buy back in again tomorrow if it breaks.  The same goes for everything else it's closing out.  Just very nimble and tactical here.
July 14th, 2015 9:29:28 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
ELNK finally waking up. Been waiting on it for a few weeks since it got huge call buying in the July 8x.
July 14th, 2015 2:25:25 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
RCPT being taken out at $232/share.
49 unique view(s)

July 13th, 2015

July 13th, 2015 7:42:04 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader closed its last intraday bottom trades on the bounce today.  Looks like its back to chasing Healthcare names.  That sector is the primary source of P&L for Tech Trader today.  It's looking to add more names like STJ at the close.
47 unique view(s)

July 10th, 2015

July 10th, 2015 6:41:28 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader up another percent today, a ton from the intraday bottom signals it picked up yesterday.
58 unique view(s)

July 9th, 2015

July 9th, 2015 7:26:15 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Tech Trader up 0.7% overall while SPY is pretty much flat.  Outperforming on both up and down days.  AAPL getting crushed in the tech sector, but Tech Trader's tech names are doing best today.

Also just rotated out of its XOP long position (3.8% gain) for more intraday bottom signals in FXI and XLB.  Still holding SMH on intraday bottom from a couple days ago.  Again, no daily or longer term positions yet from Tech Trader.  We're also not getting the usual orange bottom signals which are more potent and time sensitive; the red ones are less exact and more "wait-and-see" so it's another sign that Tech Trader is very cautious here.
FXI on Tech Trader
XLB on Tech Trader
July 9th, 2015 7:30:38 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
It just got intraday bottom on IBB as well.  Again, only intraday scalps, not higher conviction daily signals.
IBB on Tech Trader
July 9th, 2015 1:23:16 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
Market is flat? Meanwhile Tech Trader... up 0.7% today, with Tech names being the biggest contributers.
July 9th, 2015 7:46:23 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says on The Tech Trader Wall...
I'd rather have the flurry of daily signals. This is more like scalping for quick gains in an uncertain environment.