Brother, I so appreciate you! For some reason, I deleted everything, uploaded the swf in binary instead of auto, and it worked. I still don't know how to get it in the correct directory to get it to display on wordpress, but I can at least make it work on an HTML page embedded in that folder.
I would love to have a version that I can just add 100 lines (questions) for each category and have it randomly draw questions from the category instead of only a few static questions. I'd gladly pay 100$ extra if it isn't a ton of trouble. I know how NOT fun old projects can become, so I guess I can always elance something similar.
Either way, I COMPLETELY appreciate your help and that you even took the time to make this in the first place. You're awesome. Who else writes a bunch of free code and then provides free tech support for it afterwards for years! You're a special guy! I hope for good things to happen in your life. Thanks again!