Fort Wars 3.0 fixes a few more problems and adds tons of new features from the expansion, such as warchiefs, the native civs, the new units... Enjoy!
NO SYNC ERRORS! From 2.0 onwards, no fix map will be needed after a game of Fort Wars! Fort Wars no longer causes errors after the game, and in fact, will fix any sync errors from previous versions!
Quote From Readme===============================
- Go to My Documents > My Games > Age of Empires 3 > RM
- Copy and paste the following files into that folder:
Fort Wars 3-0.xs
Fort Wars 3-0.xml
Hello! Welcome to Fort Wars 3.0! We hope you enjoy this map as much as we did - and get good at it too!
For information, updates, and comments, go to the following sites: guides and tips can be found at those websites!

Depending on how many good ideas we may come up with in the future, we may or may not release a newer version. If we do, it won't be soon. In the meantime, enjoy 3.0!
NEWS! Fort Wars 2.0 onwards has NO SYNC ERRORS. In fact, it will FIX your sync errors from previous Fort Wars versions! Enjoy!
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.01, October 28 2006 to November 24 2006
- Arrow Knights added to level 4
- Techs fixed
- Due to ES's tech changes, All natives have 100% more base HP than before
- Native Awards and prices adjusted accordingly.
- Medic Special removed and replaced with buyable healers.
- Added Horse Artillery to level 3
- Added Light Cannon to level 3
- Added Gatling Gun to level 2
- Added Petards to replace towers award
- Buyable towers and upgrades removed
- Petards lowered from 225 base hp to 150.
- Hussar moved down with Uhlans.
- Tashunke Prowlers added to level 4, gain 1 pop to balance limit.
- Sioux get speed upgrades every 50 kills and dog soldiers for a merc, but coin decays 1 per second.
- Game starts at Age 1 to avoid extra starting techs.
- Surgeons improved healing (+9x).
- Cetan Bow unit added to level 2.
- Stats fixed according to TWC 1.0
- Stats fixed again according to TWC 1.01
- Aenna added to level 1
- Forest Prowler added to level 3
- Skull Knights added to level 4.
- Jaguar Prowler Knights added to level 3.
- Award added: Pick a warchief to empower your armies.
- Iroquois have buyable Elite Rams as mercs, light cannon and Melee Tomahawks for Reinforcements.
- Reinforcements now come every 3-5 minutes, instead of 5-6.
- Aztec start with an Aztec Warchief and get 5 arrow knights per reinforcement for artillery. No Los for spawn. Fusilier merc.
- Sioux Warchiefs get attack aura.
- Sioux get no artillery reinforcements but more mercs.
- Warchiefs have 4x stats of HP.
- Bow Riders added to level 3.
- Musket Riders added to level 3.
- Kanya Horseman added to level 1.
- Puma Spearman added to level 1.
- French gets 1/2 hp upgrade for all cavalry per number of upgrades.
- Mortars cost 25 (again).
- Llamas in Fort Nomad removed.
- Sioux Dogsoldiers get 1.0 more bonus vs infantry.
- Skull Knights receive -100 hp base.
- Improved autogrouping by ES, which causes units to group together and move on their own, has been countered!
- Russian fast-spawn bonus nonexistant in previous versions. Now fixed.
- Morale removed due to lack of use.
- Iroquois get stronger reinforcements, buyable rams, and hand cavalry have bonus vs buildings.