ok here comes my story.. ive created an awsome scenario map in editor for age of empires 3 the warchiefs...
my question is HOW i play my map online..this is not a stupid crappy noob map...
some guy on aoe chat told me i had to go to this website... but omg what is this everything,, it makes me grazy scripting etc...? is that what i nid to get it online? isnt it juust a simple thing to change the map file itno smting,, waa i realy have no idea,,, and dunno what im doing here..
i want you (the pro's here admins or importantd persons:P) to look at this map.. i uploaded it on file front in a rar file,,, please go have a look in map editor and do a playtest, it has an instruction movie on start..
heres a small screenshot pack:
Features,, early morning,morning, afternoon, evening and night

Beutiful wild west map, with as goal to kill the enemies sheriff,, by using outlaw units,, like rodelero,pistolero,comanchero,pirate, great bombard. gaining this units by deleting special objects like a TNT car,, wich makes a special effect,, you gather coin,, and you ahve to buy these army's
heres the download link:
http://files.filefront.com/the_wild_west_beta_versionrar/;7692562;/fileinfo.htmli made lot of scenarios on age of mythology lot of people knew me as DoomDragon200
ive created:
Archer Forest
Fina fantasy the lost eggs
and many cat and mices...
these where realy non noob maps! lot of people tell me i am an awsome map creator... here is a package of al age of mythology maps ive created...:
http://files.filefront.com/AOM_Scenarios_by_DoomDragon200rar/;5128660;/fileinfo.htmlhmm i realy dunno how to put it online.. i dunno if it is posible someone get it for me online? or just give me a guide how to do this.. i think this map is worth it

i hope someone can help
tanks DoomDragon200
(sorry for my bad english)