July 22nd, 2013
Posted by pftq

QLearner - First Attempt at Practical AI

Although Tech Trader already somewhat has a simple AI built into it, it's still a side-feature that isn't given much room to grow.  I went ahead and took that script out of Tech Trader and built it into its own box called QLearner so it can do more besides just stocks.  It is also generalized to the point you can now just modify a plugin template to get it to solve any sort of problem/scenario.  Leave the problem open-ended and it can solve a perpetual/ongoing problem in real time.

Like the name suggests, QLearner primarily uses Q-Learning algorithms at the moment, which is on the simpler side of AI but can still solve a lot of things and be useful in a lot of situations.  The open-ended nature of the QLearner program though allows this to be expanded on in the future if the project takes off.  We'll see.

Maybe one day I can ask it what that numbing pain behind my left eye is...
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