August 10th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Site Header Updated

        If you haven’t noticed already, I’ve remade the site header that’s on every page except the mainpage.   It’s that thing right at the top of the page with the big pftq logo and a bunch of buttons like News, Blabberbox, Galleries, Creations Center, 42, Forums, Guestbook, Email . . . in fact I believe I named them all.   If you don’t see it, either your computer is really really outdated or you need to bang your head against the wall a few times - cause you can’t miss it.

        The header is quite similar to the recent version just up.   It looks a tad nicer - but the big thing is that is loads alot faster and can be customized much more when needed.   There’s also a cool looking rollover feature.   Try it! Put your mouse over the pftq logo.   It sank down! Now take your mouse off of it.   It rose up again! Awesome!

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