Zoo Tycoon






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Living Lifeless Pack

Living Lifeless Pack

Date: January 4, 2004 - January 18, 2004

Type: Pack, Animal

Game Version: Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania

Downloads: 556 | Download File

     One of my final projects before leaving Zoo Tycoon.  As usual, continuing with animating otherwise inanimate objects - allowing people keep lamps and other items as living pets.  This time, with much more experience at hand, the items are actually complete (they have all animations, interact with other animals, including my own user-creatd ones, etc).

     Initially labeled the release as part 1, thinking I might come back some time and finish other "animals" to complete the set.  However, I never did.

From the Readme:

Living Lifeless
Part 1
By Flamethrower

        Thank you for downloading the first (and possibly only) part of the Living Lifeless pack.  I may or may not add more to this later.
          These are my latest animals, so I’ve made them compatible/incompatible with my other animal creations or animals that were part of packs that I partially made, including the animals in this pack of course:

Water Tornado
Living Snowman
Living Christmas Tree
Peaceful Living Snowball
Giant Spider
Living Jack-O'-Lantern
Swamp Tornado

Vicious Living Snowball

For now, I hope you enjoy these amazing living lifeless creatures:

Cold Flame
Sub Sandwich Monster
Lively Lamp

To use these “animals,” follow the directions below:
1) Click Start in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
2) Click Run.
3) Type in: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon/Updates
If you have ZTMM or ZTCC, type in: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon/dlupdates
   Push enter and a window will open up.
4) Click each ztd file and hold.  Drag them into the folder/window that opened up.
5) You’re done and may play the game.

Have fun! Below is more information on the animals:

Cold Flame

          Scientists have been extremely curious about the first two creatures brought to life from a lifeless state, or "Living Lifeless" creatures as they are now called.  The two creatures first brought to life were Fire and Water Tornado.  Both of these creatures were born in a similar situation: The life-giving potion.  Although Fire and Water Tornado are two different species, they are quite alike.
          The scientists were so curious that they decided to go to the extreme and cross-breed the two species.  The result was disastrous.  No one really knew what happened there in that laboratory.  None of those scientists in that laboratory survived.
          It is greatly assumed that it had to do with the new creature formed from the two species, although no evidence proves a new species was even created.
          One month later, animals around the continent of Antarctica are rapidly dying out.  A team of explorers were sent over to investigate.  None survived.
          It is after that that the situation was starting to get taken more seriously.  Helicoptors from the ZT community carrying hundreds of ZT zookeepers were sent to find the cause of this.  Amazingly, it was an animal.
          The creature was a strange icy blue twister sweeping the land.  The zookeepers attempted to tranquilize it, but it shattered itself to small drops of liquid before a single dart got near it.  The liquid reformed the creature, but instead of another twister, it transformed into a freakishly icy version of Fire.  The zookeepers called it Cold Flame.
          It took every staff member from Super Zoo from the ZT world to control it.  They first tranquilized it with a dart.  Then the staff absorbed the sleeping substances into a strong container and brought it to the scientists who decided to breed Fire and Water Tornado, the ones who weren't in the lab.
          The scientists were able to control it, but didn't dare let it out of the container.  Continuously, it multiplied, eventually making it impossible to study.  Instead, they have chosen you to exhibit and research it.

Sub Sandwich Monster

      Congratulations on adopting the incredible new Sub Sandwich Monster.  The Sub Sandwich Monster is yet another result of the life-giving potion - also now known as LGP.
      LGP was a secret project set by Dino Digs Scientists.  They were successful in making it, VERY successful.  Anything that came into contact with the liquid came alive.  To prevent the container from becoming an animal, they used a special substance to create the container.  The scientists would not reveal what container.
      It was very unfortunate that a group of clones of the Scientists themselves had just been made.  These clones were not at all very intellegent.  They managed to escape the lab before anyone had a chance to capture them.  Along with a jeep, the clones also stole the whole supply of LGP.
      Like idiots, they wandered about the world, spilling bits of LGP here and there.  The clones have yet to be captured.
      The Sub Sandwich Monster was originally a Sub Sandwich selling stand.  It is quite friendly and greatly favors Sub Sandwiches in its diet, but it will enjoy a good meal of fish anytime! Owners of the stand(s) appreciate their "pet" and will occasionally come to feed the creature(s) sub sandwiches.
      Other than that, not much else is known about the Sub Sandwich Monster.  So Good luck!

Lively Lamp

      The Lively Lamp is a whole new species that scientists have yet to put under one of the six animal kingdoms.  Reasons are that the Lively Lamp was never a species; it was a result of the Life-Giving Potion, also known as LGP.
      LGP was a secret project set by Dino Digs Scientists.  They were successful in making it, VERY successful.  Anything that came into contact with the liquid came alive.  To prevent the container from becoming an animal, they used a special substance to create the container.  The scientists would not reveal what container.
      It was very unfortunate that a group of clones of the Scientists themselves had just been made.  These clones were not at all very intellegent.  They managed to escape the lab before anyone had a chance to capture them.  Along with a jeep, the clones also stole the whole supply of LGP.
      Like idiots, they wandered about the world, spilling bits of LGP here and there.  The clones have yet to be captured, but the rumor has it that they are no longer on Earth.
      The Lively Lamp will definitely please your guests.  The environment easily triggers it to do many odd behaviors.  When it is cold, it shall attempt to stay warm by emitting a fire within its "head.  Visitors will also enjoy the heat from the exhibit.  When extremely satisfied, the Lamp will do numerous, bewildering actions.  This includes creating flashing colors from the bulb instead of the usual light.  More amazing behaviors have been claimed.
      Lively Lamps dwell amazingly well in captivity.  It is quite used to crowds and will enjoy many varieties of items in its exhibits.  Lively Lamps will not breed.

- Zoo Tycoon is a game by Bluefang and Microsoft Game Studios.
The pages in this particular part of the site are based on the old Zoo Admin. -