Zoo Tycoon






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Date: January 10, 2004 - January 14, 2004

Type: Building

Game Version: Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania

Downloads: 323 | Download File

     A ride/building (they're the same in Zoo Tycoon at a technical level) requested by one of the forumers at Zoo Admin.  Put together the file with some help from Casey.  At this point, I was gradually beginning to get the hang of creating buildings and editing the files without A.P.E. - using just Notepad.

From the Readme:

Thanks for downloading the Merry-Go-Round.  Programming done by Flamethrower with a bit of aid from Casey. Credit goes to Chocolette for the images.

To use this "building", place the files:
- ZTDs in the Updates OR dlupdates folder.  Either folder will work.
- DLLs go in the main directory.

The default location of the folders are:
C:\Program FilesMicrosoft GamesZoo Tycoon

If you do not know how to go there, you may also try clicking Start on the lower left hand side of the screen.  Choose Run and type in the above address.  It'll automatically open the window for you.

Windows XP users may need to have adminstrator privelleges.

Special Note: Guests enter through the blue of the ride!

This download is found only at Zoo Admin!

- Zoo Tycoon is a game by Bluefang and Microsoft Game Studios.
The pages in this particular part of the site are based on the old Zoo Admin. -