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Author Topic: How It Will Play  (Read 28554 times)
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« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2006, 07:27:38 PM »

  I have come from AoK castle blood auto to AoE3 fort wars and found that i love it.  i use to be a expert at cba and am trying to be one in fort wars.  ive found that fort wars is much more balanced.  so making a castle blood would just be a step inn the wrong direction since uve topped it already.  I believe u should make a AoK Star Ship Troopers, or SST, type map.  in starship troopers u would get 5 janissarys each and 3 vills.  all human players were on the same team fighting the computer, which would spawn units nonstop.  the computers objective was to kill a tower in the middle of the map, which the human plyrs would have to defend, or game over.  the plyrs would have to defend for an hour and in that time, u would build up walls and towers and just simply try to survive.  if u could do this on aoe3 with cowboys and natives it would be killer.  human plyrs being the cowboys and settlers, and with the natives attacking the walled settlement nonstop for like 30 min or so.  its just a pitch to u, since i cant even make simple maps myself.  neway im a huge fan of fort wars....and doin cba here on aoe3 would flop since fort wars is already out, its what i think neway.

"The only reason I fought so hard to live, was so that I didn't die for nothing.  Now, I can die for something."  Jack Bauer, 24, season 6, mondays at 8 on Fox
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« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2006, 08:25:16 PM »

Thanks for your input.  Ya I'm just gonna create Castle Blood to satisfy those want it - it should be pretty simple from the sounds of it.

About your idea, a few others have already suggested it before, but a problem is that you cannot move computer units.
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« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2006, 08:41:32 PM »

OmGGGG starship troopers Tongue 

that game was kinda dumb :/
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« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2006, 06:08:26 AM »

I found a neat guide to mini cb store


here is some interesting stuff i found:
Your hero is a vital part of your success in the game.  It’s basically a cavalry archer, which starts with 275HP and 13 attack, but every 10 or so seconds will increase HP and attack.  It doesn’t take long before your hero becomes a one hit killer.  Your hero’s HP will also slowly re-generate when not being attacked.  The longer you keep your hero, the more powerful it will become.  Your hero will have some name like ‘TW_Chewys’ – these are the people who designed MCBS.  Being a one hit killer, your hero can pretty much take down small armies with ease and large armies if it keeps retreating, as it can move very fast.  Your hero is vital, and you should try not to lose it.
hmm. pretty cool

Behind your base, you’ll see various patches of land.  You’ll have a patch of houses, which determines how many units you can make, and a tower with a king underneath.  The king tells you how many kills you’re currently at.  The extra spaces are for blacksmith, monastery and university that you can obtain later on.
  the arsenal, advanced arsenal and church go behind your forts, where other units cant attack.

NOTE: In CB there is no such thing as collecting resources.  You start off with 99,999 of everything, and every 5-10 mins or so Gaia pays you 3000 of each, so it is impossible to run out of anything (Stone, Wood, Gold or Food)
I don't know if i had said this before, just want to make it clear  Grin

here are the kill rewards
25 Kills – Blacksmith:  As you start in castle age, you get the 5 blacksmith upgrades, that will improve your army in terms of adding attack and improving defence.

50 Kills – Monastery:  The monastery will allow you to improve your monks, by improving healing power and quickness.

75 Kills – Regular Saboteur:  Right, at 75 kills, in the small patch of land next to your base, a saboteur will appear and walk into your base.  Your sab is the perfect defence against an large army entering your base if your defences are weak or your army is fighting elsewhere.  A sab can basically wipe-out an army of around 15-20 units, and on top of arrows, should see off an army of 30-40 units.

100 Kills –  Wallace:  Right, now the game is heating up.  At 100 kills you obtain Wallace.  Wallace is basically a champion with 800HP and high attack.  It can basically take out any normal unit with one swipe, and is a perfect unit to take with your army to attack enemies, or leave in your base to stop oncoming armies.  Wallace alone can easily take down small armies of around 15-20 units, and also slowly re-spawns health.

125 Kills – Super Saboteur:  Another excellent addition to your base defence.  A super sab basically is like a normal sab, but much more powerful.  A super sab has 250HP, so can take more attack, and can easily take down an army of around 25-35 units alone.  Again, should be used defensively, although some players if falling behind like to send it toward armies if they don’t get attacked often to boost their kill count.

175 Kills – University and Monk on Base:  The University will appear within your houses, and gives you all sorts of upgrades, such as upgrading your towers and walls.  The Monk on the base is also useful, for quick healing, and also for obtaining a Barracks, which is explained further down.

200 Kills – Ornlu the Wolf:  Now you’re in business.  Reaching 200 kills is now where the line between players gaining a true foothold in the game or falling behind occurs.  Ornlu the Wolf is a wolf with 2000HP and a huge attack score.  It can take down ordinary enemies with one hit, and regenerates health.  Also, the brilliant thing about Ornlu is that unless you order your units to attack him, if he starts attacking your units they won’t attack back.  Obviously this isn’t good if it happens to you, but you can literally take out a whole army without an opponent noticing.  Should be used in an attacking manor, and I will explain why later.

250 Kills – Two More Houses:  Will allow you to create 10 more units, which is a nice advantage to gain over your opponents.

300 Kills – Drunken Monkey: Another useful addition to your attack.  It only has 9HP, but has incredible attack, and can take out units with one swipe and can get razings easily.  And also, like the wolf, it will attack units and they won’t attack back unless told to, so armies can be taken out easily.  Again, I will explain the perfect way to employ the money later on.

350 Kills - Two More Houses: Again, will allow you to create 10 more units.  Not such a good upgrade now, seeing as the main contenders for the game should have the wolf, the monkey etc, and 10 more units won’t do much more help.

500 Kills – Villager:  Right, now you’re in business.  The first person to get to the villager usually goes on to win.  The villager has 1500HP, which in most games glitches to become almost 100,000/40HP, with a yellow line through the HP.  So basically, the villager is almost undefeatable.  Now, with a villager, although you can’t make more castles, town centres to make more villagers or towers, you can build barracks, stables and archery ranges which now gives you the opportunity to basically counter any of your opponents’ units.

600 Kills – Second Villager and Extra Castle:  Get to this stage, and basically you’re very difficult to defeat.  Now with an extra castle, your base is very difficult to invade with less room and more arrows, and a second power villager means you can make things twice as fast.  Usually by this time you’re wrecking havoc through bases, but this upgrade pretty much secures your victory.

700 Kills – Striker:  Now you’re laughing.  A striker is basically a heavy scorpion with 1050HP, and fires a scorpion arrow that passes through units and causes an instant kill.  You can literally take out an army of 30 with 2-3 strikes.  Plus, a striker can take down a castle with 3 hits.  Once a player has a striker, unless you’re keeping up with them, you’ve basically lost.

800 Kills – Accused Tower and Bombard Tower:  This upgrade gives you a tower and bombard tower at the front of the strip leading to your base.  Again, by now you should have the game wrapped up, but it gives very efficient defence at the foot of your base.

900 Kills – Jean de Lorrain:  A bit rubbish really for a final upgrade.  Jean is simply a normal bombard cannon.  Considering the striker is an all-powerful unit, Jean is feeble compared to it, and takes more kills to get.  It’s useful to have behind your units to take out castles, but by 900 kills the game should be over.

There are also bonus upgrades you can get:

10 Razings – Castle outside base:  A very handy upgrade, as although destroying 10 buildings basically doesn’t occur until later in the game, it gives your base very good protection and units can be spawned faster.

5 Converts – Barracks:  Now this is a very difficult upgrade to get, as you need 175 kills to get a moveable monk on your base, and before your monk has time to convert usually the enemy unit has been killed.  However, if you can get a barracks, it can be helpful if an opponent has elephants, or if you have lost one or both of your castles.  Rare and difficult to get, but can be useful.
note: the 5 converts don't apply to age3

Aswell as getting kills for upgrades, each civ at a certain number of kills will advance from the Castle to the Imperial age, giving them the following:

Chance to upgrade unit to an ‘elite’ unit, making it more powerful than average units.

More upgrades at the Monastery, Blacksmith and University, improving your units, castles and defence.

All-visible map, so you can your opponents bases and warn allies of attacks.

Each civ reaches the Imperial Age at the following amount of kills:

Aztecs – 150
Celts – 200
Goths – 200
Huns – 200
Japanese – 300
Teutons – 150
Vikings – 100
Franks – 250
Chinese – 250
All other Civs – 400
as you can see they kinda balence the weaker and stronger civs, by making the age up times different.

that is all hope it helps
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 06:15:13 AM by spector17 » Logged
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« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2006, 06:41:59 AM »

Nice - clears alot of things up.  What if we made everything cost zero instead of unlimited resources? Then we can use food for kills.
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« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2006, 06:47:12 AM »

maybe u didnt know how to play and were one of the people who regularly pissed me off on that map lol
OmGGGG starship troopers Tongue

that game was kinda dumb :/

"The only reason I fought so hard to live, was so that I didn't die for nothing.  Now, I can die for something."  Jack Bauer, 24, season 6, mondays at 8 on Fox
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« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2006, 06:48:59 AM »

neway i think u guys are talkin bout castle blood turbo...cause u dont need 500 kills for a vill, u needed
 a certain amnt of 'razings' to get one

"The only reason I fought so hard to live, was so that I didn't die for nothing.  Now, I can die for something."  Jack Bauer, 24, season 6, mondays at 8 on Fox
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« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2006, 06:56:49 AM »

yeah.  you gotta remember, back in the day it was so easy to make a new map, there were SOOOOO many different versions.

oh and idk starship troopers never really appealed to me... while i thought Warriors Defence was an awesome game.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 07:06:54 AM by LO12DS_Fry » Logged
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« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2006, 06:57:22 AM »

i forgot to say that u should make an rpg map or somethin, those were fun...JESUS ANYTHING BUT CB WE COULD GO TO aoe2 for that crap of a map!!!

"The only reason I fought so hard to live, was so that I didn't die for nothing.  Now, I can die for something."  Jack Bauer, 24, season 6, mondays at 8 on Fox
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« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2006, 07:03:48 AM »

food = kills,
and wood = razings?
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« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2006, 07:07:24 AM »

I think an RPG would be really hard to RMS script
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« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2006, 07:08:18 AM »

neway i think u guys are talkin bout castle blood turbo...cause u dont need 500 kills for a vill, u needed
a certain amnt of 'razings' to get one

I have over 20 different versions alone, everyone kept copying the origional map and just edited it, and then made it a "new version"

pftq: is there are spell checker on this forum, cause i think we need one. Tongue
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« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2006, 09:02:16 AM »

lol I'll enable the spell checker.
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« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2006, 05:06:29 PM »

but then we cant use rpg, rms, lol...well itll have a squiggly line under...nvm

"The only reason I fought so hard to live, was so that I didn't die for nothing.  Now, I can die for something."  Jack Bauer, 24, season 6, mondays at 8 on Fox
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« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2006, 05:43:38 PM »

lol I don't see any squiggly line... Spell Check is an option when you post just fyi.
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