November 24th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Fort Wars 3.0 Released!



Fort Wars 3.0 fixes a few more problems and adds tons of new features from the expansion, such as warchiefs, the native civs, the new units… Enjoy! :D

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.01, October 28 2006 to November 24 2006
- Arrow Knights added to level 4
- Techs fixed
- Due to ES’s tech changes, All natives have 100% more base HP than before
- Native Awards and prices adjusted accordingly.
- Medic Special removed and replaced with buyable healers.
- Added Horse Artillery to level 3
- Added Light Cannon to level 3
- Added Gatling Gun to level 2
- Added Petards to replace towers award
- Buyable towers and upgrades removed
- Petards lowered from 225 base hp to 150.
- Hussar moved down with Uhlans.
- Tashunke Prowlers added to level 4, gain 1 pop to balance limit.
- Sioux get speed upgrades every 50 kills and dog soldiers for a merc, but coin decays 1 per second.
- Game starts at Age 1 to avoid extra starting techs.
- Surgeons improved healing (+9x).
- Cetan Bow unit added to level 2.
- Stats fixed according to TWC 1.0
- Stats fixed again according to TWC 1.01
- Aenna added to level 1
- Forest Prowler added to level 3
- Skull Knights added to level 4.
- Jaguar Prowler Knights added to level 3.
- Award added: Pick a warchief to empower your armies.
- Iroquois have buyable Elite Rams as mercs, light cannon and Melee Tomahawks for Reinforcements.
- Reinforcements now come every 3-5 minutes, instead of 5-6.
- Aztec start with an Aztec Warchief and get 5 arrow knights per reinforcement for artillery.   No Los for spawn.   Fusilier merc.
- Sioux Warchiefs get attack aura.
- Sioux get no artillery reinforcements but more mercs.
- Warchiefs have 4x stats of HP.
- Bow Riders added to level 3.
- Musket Riders added to level 3.
- Kanya Horseman added to level 1.
- Puma Spearman added to level 1.
- French gets 1/2 hp upgrade for all cavalry per number of upgrades.
- Mortars cost 25 (again).
- Llamas in Fort Nomad removed.
- Sioux Dogsoldiers get 1.0 more bonus vs infantry.
- Skull Knights receive -100 hp base.
- Improved autogrouping by ES, which causes units to group together and move on their own, has been countered!
- Russian fast-spawn bonus nonexistant in previous versions.   Now fixed.
- Morale removed due to lack of use.
- Iroquois get stronger reinforcements, buyable rams, and hand cavalry have bonus vs buildings.

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