March 4th, 2007
Posted by pftq

Fort Wars 3.1 - Last Major Installment

Fort Wars 3.1

        Fort Wars 3.1 adds countless new tricks that I’ve found in the past few months, including scatter effects, change units in area, unstealth, and more. Highlights include a great new 1500 kills award, with a surprise “Blessing of Arkantos”.

        This is the last major change you will see to Fort Wars.   Unfortunately, it’s about time I move on - I’m getting busier and busier these days and can’t really find time to work on this (hence why this version took over three months to finish :p )

        The site information (stats etc) have also been updated.   Hopefully all loose ends have been tied up before I leave FW. :p

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- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.02, December 26 2006 to March 4 2007
- Dutch merc reverted to Hackepell (was most balanced at that point).
- Mortar HP fixed from being doubled.
- Iroquois Rams cost lowered from 6 to 5 coin.
- Spahi cost raised from 6 to 7.
- Russian reinforcements have Lil’ Bombards instead of Great Cannons.
- Age detection enabled and non-Age1 games automatically end.
- Ronin gain 500 base HP to reduce vulnerability to Rifler tech.
- Super Bolas Warrior cost decreased 60 to 50 coin to boost popularity.
- 800 kills award gives 2 bolas instead of 1.
- Computer Players automatically move Alain to help skip instructions.
- Computer Players automatically spawn infantry units.
- Computer Players choose a random choice out of the 3 when they reach an award.
- Skip Instructions fixed (broke when Nomad Age introduced)
- Updated HP stats to those of patch 1.02
- Instructions redone.
- “Revolt” Special added at 50 coin cost, changes units to Outlaw Musketeers.
- 250 kills award changed from 2 range to 3 range for artillery, 1 building upgrade to 2.
- Stopped coin from counting when players are dead.
- Sioux cutoff bonus message fixed.
- French bonus typo fixed.
- Nomad 75 coin unit start changed to 50-75 coin units, to add variety.
- Scatter Bear Special added, which scatters units when the bear dies.
- Base Fort Attack (affects upgrades) tripled to give slightly better fort.
- Llama scatters units in center and resets stealth units to default stance every few minutes.
- 1500 kills award: Omniscience (Spies), Revolution (All Spawned Units to Fusiliers), Blessing of Arkantos
- Gaining 15000 XP or more in one kill automatically cancels out.
- Wardogs disabled
- Nomad fixed gun removed.
- Spawn triggers converted to XS and combined using kb functions; ingame lag reduced significantly.
- Highlanders cost raised from 8 to 9.
- Portuguese bonus changed: ranged infantry get 2/3 attack upgrade every 2 bought; less speed.
- Award text recoded more efficiently. (faster load time)
- Store Island triggers optimized for load time.
- Island units anti-grouping (ES has autogroup units) effect optimized to reduce load/lag.
- Arrowknights removed from spawn.
- Fixed bug where French Oprichniks do not receive HP bonus.
- Iroquois ram HP +50% base and cost made 3 for 12 coin; cavalry get 50% seige boost instead of 25%.
- Aztec Bonus changed to: Spawned Heavy Infantry are faster and have 30% more HP but no Cavalry spawn.
- Aztec Merc changed to: Arrow Knights; reinforcements come with Skull Knights.
- Replaced 7500XP: Special Duration with RR Worker Special, which changes Spawned Units around Buffalo to RR Workers.
- Coin limit on Llama removed and increases indefinitely to 120xp per sec.
- 600 kills award changed from 4 oprichniks to 5 oprichniks.
- Added return function to automatically move George Crushington and Bolivar away after seeing instructions.
- Petards population down to 3 from 5; costchange of 5 coin changed to 3.
- Newly discovered arrays put into use and filesize greatly shortened.

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kiper905 says...

i love fortwars

kiper905 says...

i like fortwars

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