March 10th, 2007
Posted by pftq

Fort Wars 2.3 for Non-Expansion & 3.2 Quickfix for TWC

3.1 was indeed the last “major installment.”   There are no new exciting changes here unfortunately.   However, these are nonetheless the latest maps to play.

3.2 addresses a rather rare, but serious bug in 3.1 - the bug is rare to the point that it requires two players, French and Portuguese, to be in the same game, in a specific order.   Once that is achieved however, the bug is pretty irritating. Very rare, but either way, it’s better to end the series with no loose ends, no?

For those who do not have TWC,   2.3 is a quick adaption of a number of TWC Fort Wars features.   Obviously, it is not the same, but as close as possible, due to the fact that the original AOE3 has much less to work with than the expansion pack.

It also brings notice of the ladder and official site, hopefully standing out among the modded fake versions of the map that seems to have flooded the AOE3 nonexpansion.

This is more likely than ever my last releases for Fort Wars.   I seriously hope I do not need to deal with this map again. :p

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Change Overview
-Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.02, March 10 2007
- Fixed rare glitch where Portuguese and French players have civ bonus requirements linked together.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.10, March 10 2007
- Quick adaption of some of the key features from 3.0 and 3.1 of TWC.
- Tower Attack Combined with Building Attack. [3.0]
- Base Fort Attack (affects upgrades) tripled to give slightly better fort. [3.1]
- Building Attack effect doubled. [3.0]
- Buyable Towers removed. [3.0] Replaced with Ranged Rockets (+4 Range and no range penalty).
- Game starts at Age 1 to avoid extra starting techs. [3.0]
- Mortars cost 25 (again). [3.0]
- Instructions revised. [3.1]
- Computer Players automatically move Alain to help skip instructions. [3.1]
- Computer Players automatically spawn infantry units. [3.1]
- Computer Players choose a random choice out of the 3 when they reach an award. [3.1]
- Skip Instructions fixed (broke when Nomad Age introduced) [3.1]
- Island units anti-grouping (ES has autogroup units) effect optimized to reduce load/lag. [3.1]
- Hussar moved down with Uhlans. [3.0]
- Llama scatters units in center every few minutes. [3.1]
- Coin limit on Llama removed and increases indefinitely to 120xp per sec. [3.1]
- Spawn triggers converted to XS and combined using kb functions; ingame lag reduced significantly. [3.1]
- Nomad fixed gun removed. [3.1]
- Nomad 75 coin unit start changed to 50-75 coin units, to add variety. [3.1]
- Llamas in Fort Nomad removed. [3.0]
- Scatter Bear Special added, which scatters units when the bear dies. [3.1]
- Gaining 15000 XP or more in one kill automatically cancels out. [3.1]
- 250 kills award changed from 2 range to 3 range for artillery, 1 building upgrade to 2. [3.1]
- Highlanders cost raised from 8 to 9. [3.1]
- Award text recoded more efficiently. (faster load time) [3.1]
- 1500 kills award: Omniscience (Spies), Revolution (All Spawned Units to Highlanders), Blessing of Arkantos [3.1]
- Spahi cost raised from 6 to 7. [3.1]
- Added return function to automatically move George Crushington and Bolivar away after seeing instructions. [3.1]
- 600 kills award changed from 4 oprichniks to 5 oprichniks. [3.1]
- Age detection enabled and non-Age1 games automatically end. [3.1]
- Ronin gain 500 base HP to reduce vulnerability to Rifler tech. [3.1]
- Super Bolas Warrior cost decreased 60 to 50 coin to boost popularity. [3.1]
- 800 kills award gives 2 bolas instead of 1. [3.1]
- Portuguese bonus changed: ranged infantry get 2/3 attack upgrade every 2 bought; less speed. [3.1]
- Fixed Mortar HP
- Medic Removed for complications

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128 unique view(s)
March 4th, 2007
Posted by pftq

Fort Wars 3.1 - Last Major Installment

Fort Wars 3.1

        Fort Wars 3.1 adds countless new tricks that I’ve found in the past few months, including scatter effects, change units in area, unstealth, and more. Highlights include a great new 1500 kills award, with a surprise “Blessing of Arkantos”.

        This is the last major change you will see to Fort Wars.   Unfortunately, it’s about time I move on - I’m getting busier and busier these days and can’t really find time to work on this (hence why this version took over three months to finish :p )

        The site information (stats etc) have also been updated.   Hopefully all loose ends have been tied up before I leave FW. :p

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- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.02, December 26 2006 to March 4 2007
- Dutch merc reverted to Hackepell (was most balanced at that point).
- Mortar HP fixed from being doubled.
- Iroquois Rams cost lowered from 6 to 5 coin.
- Spahi cost raised from 6 to 7.
- Russian reinforcements have Lil’ Bombards instead of Great Cannons.
- Age detection enabled and non-Age1 games automatically end.
- Ronin gain 500 base HP to reduce vulnerability to Rifler tech.
- Super Bolas Warrior cost decreased 60 to 50 coin to boost popularity.
- 800 kills award gives 2 bolas instead of 1.
- Computer Players automatically move Alain to help skip instructions.
- Computer Players automatically spawn infantry units.
- Computer Players choose a random choice out of the 3 when they reach an award.
- Skip Instructions fixed (broke when Nomad Age introduced)
- Updated HP stats to those of patch 1.02
- Instructions redone.
- “Revolt” Special added at 50 coin cost, changes units to Outlaw Musketeers.
- 250 kills award changed from 2 range to 3 range for artillery, 1 building upgrade to 2.
- Stopped coin from counting when players are dead.
- Sioux cutoff bonus message fixed.
- French bonus typo fixed.
- Nomad 75 coin unit start changed to 50-75 coin units, to add variety.
- Scatter Bear Special added, which scatters units when the bear dies.
- Base Fort Attack (affects upgrades) tripled to give slightly better fort.
- Llama scatters units in center and resets stealth units to default stance every few minutes.
- 1500 kills award: Omniscience (Spies), Revolution (All Spawned Units to Fusiliers), Blessing of Arkantos
- Gaining 15000 XP or more in one kill automatically cancels out.
- Wardogs disabled
- Nomad fixed gun removed.
- Spawn triggers converted to XS and combined using kb functions; ingame lag reduced significantly.
- Highlanders cost raised from 8 to 9.
- Portuguese bonus changed: ranged infantry get 2/3 attack upgrade every 2 bought; less speed.
- Award text recoded more efficiently. (faster load time)
- Store Island triggers optimized for load time.
- Island units anti-grouping (ES has autogroup units) effect optimized to reduce load/lag.
- Arrowknights removed from spawn.
- Fixed bug where French Oprichniks do not receive HP bonus.
- Iroquois ram HP +50% base and cost made 3 for 12 coin; cavalry get 50% seige boost instead of 25%.
- Aztec Bonus changed to: Spawned Heavy Infantry are faster and have 30% more HP but no Cavalry spawn.
- Aztec Merc changed to: Arrow Knights; reinforcements come with Skull Knights.
- Replaced 7500XP: Special Duration with RR Worker Special, which changes Spawned Units around Buffalo to RR Workers.
- Coin limit on Llama removed and increases indefinitely to 120xp per sec.
- 600 kills award changed from 4 oprichniks to 5 oprichniks.
- Added return function to automatically move George Crushington and Bolivar away after seeing instructions.
- Petards population down to 3 from 5; costchange of 5 coin changed to 3.
- Newly discovered arrays put into use and filesize greatly shortened.

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125 unique view(s)
February 6th, 2007
Posted by pftq

Advanced Triggers Set

        Finally finished the Advanced Triggers Set.   These consist of a number of features many have said were impossible - but here they are.

        Advanced Triggers Set

99 unique view(s)
February 3rd, 2007
Posted by pftq

Site Visitor Counter/Tracker Released

        The counter and tracker I wrote for my site is extremely powerful and has been requested a number of times by seemingly random people.   I’ve packaged it up and rewrote the code a bit to make it even easier to use.

        This was one of my first fully function mySQL and PHP based scripts, although it is not the first I released. I used it on my own site for many months before considering a release version. I’ve always hated how static and unchangable things were when I downloaded scripts. Every aspect of the counter I ever needed changing, I made it changable in the settings file. I hope it will be one of the most customizable and easy-to-use scripts you will have.

         The installation is very simple (only 3 steps). The script does all the work.

         Once installed, the counter consists of a huge array of features. These are but a few of what is possible:

  • Counting Visitors From the Whole Site (not just one page)
  • Counting a Visitor only once every customizable duration
  • Visits have customizable durations
  • Visitor Tracker tells where visitors are, what time, their referer, their entry page…
  • Ignore or block IPs (bots, spiders..)
  • Current Number of Visitors Online
  • Record highest counts of visitors online, visits per day, month etc
  • List every visit made in the past day
  • Filter Visitor lists by any field and show only active or human visitors
  • Conditions to detect new visitor/visits for customizing your pages
  • AND MORE! (!!!)
      See it in action at pq Visitor Counter and Tracker!
83 unique view(s)
January 24th, 2007
Posted by pftq

Scatter & Copy Effects for AOM/AOE3

Scatter Effects  

This is perhaps one of the most complex effects I have created. The basic idea is that units in an area “scatter” or move to a random location. There are two effects. One of them, “Random in Area”, will have each unit move to their own random location, in the area you specify. The other one, “From Original Location”, will have each unit move in a random direction from their OWN location.

What am I talking about?

The units in the following picture all started out near the titan. In a single effect, “Scatter - Random in Area”, with the Edge Only enabled, the units are forced to the edge of the area’s radius - each one choosing its own spot.

Units Scattered to Edge of Area

Try doing that with any effects you have prior to this.

Explaining the Fields:
- Unit Type ID - Number that is the id of the protounit or class (AbstractInfantry, Building…) you want. IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU DEFINE THIS. Otherwise the trigger will blindly loop through every unit type in the game, not knowing what to look for specifically (even if you want ALL unit types, use the CLASS ID for “All”). DOWNLOAD THE ID VIEWER EFFECT TO FIND ANY ID YOU WANT. Not defining works but it uses a LOT of memory - if you do use it, do NOT loop without a condition.

- From… - Define a single player to scatter from or have it convert from ALL players (not including the player being converted to obviously).

- Scatter Radius: How far units will go either from - themselves, in “From Original Location” - or the Target, in “Random in Area”.

- Edges Only: This will set it to only fill the perimeter, basically forcing the unit to go exactly to the edge of the radius.

These are the trigger effects included in this set:

Scatter - Random in Area: Units around the CENTER UNIT will go to a random location within SCATTER RADIUS of the TARGET.
Scatter - From Original Location: Units around CENTER UNIT will go to a random location within SCATTER RADIUS of THEMSELVES.

Some things to keep in mind:
- The locations chosen are random - the same location may be chosen twice.
- AOM/AOT Issue: Cinematic Blocks and similar objects do not return Object Info (use object info tool in editor) and cannot be used as target or center unit. Try Invisible Target or other invisible objects that return object info.

Copy Effects

Meanwhile…. I also created this out of a request.
This effect was requested by nottud at

The effect copies units within a set area and pastes them in another area (areas determined by center units). There are two effects, one retains the player owner of each unit, the other converts them to a player. An option is also available to retain unit positions, creating a true Copy effect.

Explaining the Fields:
- Unit Type ID - Number that is the id of the protounit or class (AbstractInfantry, Building…) you want. IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU DEFINE THIS. Otherwise the trigger will blindly loop through every unit type in the game, not knowing what to look for specifically (even if you want ALL unit types, use the CLASS ID for “All”). DOWNLOAD THE ID VIEWER EFFECT TO FIND ANY ID YOU WANT. Not defining works but it uses a LOT of memory - if you do use it, do NOT loop without a condition.

- From… - Define a single player to copy from or have it copy from ALL players

- Retain Unit Positions - Toggle this on to copy the units exactly as they are, including the locations of each unit, in relative to the center unit.

These are the trigger effects included in this set:

Army Copy Units in Area - Retains the owner of each unit, a true copy effect.
Army Copy Units in Area TO PLAYER - converts the units to the player of the army as well.

Some things to keep in mind:
- Army Deploy stops working if the deploy point is full; if this may happen, it’s a good idea to Retain Unit Positions to avoid clogging.
- AOM/AOT Issue: Cinematic Blocks and similar objects do not return Object Info (use object info tool in editor) and cannot be used as target or center unit. Try Invisible Target or other invisible objects that return object info.

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