March 23rd, 2010
Posted by pftq

Gameshow Maker 1.06

     It seems like Gameshow Maker is the only thing I’m working on these days… (which is not true, but the other stuff I’m working on is not really sharable :P ). This update is one of the more fundamental ones - any font you have on your system can now be used in the program, to a limited extent. This means if you want another language not yet included, you can just download or have the font on your system without waiting for the next update. If you want to use a better font than what I’ve already included, that’s perfectly fine as well. As you imagine, this frees up one of the most serious limitations of the program so far.

Gameshow Maker

Gameshow Maker 1.06

     The only drawback (and the reason I didn’t include it before) is that it cannot be used for animated text (the title and the floating text in the intro/bonuses). The only text that really shows up there is the title (obviously) and category names. If you use category names that require the font on your computer but isn’t in latin or built into the program, some characters may not show. If you are afraid of seeing broken words floating in the air, you can always stick with english text for the categories and use fancier fonts for the questions/answers (those are what matter anyways right?! :P ). The drawback is merely aesthetics if anything.

     Other smaller but nonetheless useful changes are being able to skip through the table setup in the beginning… as well as being able to skip to the final question if, for example, you run out of time (in real life, not the game). These are minor, but you may find them handy later as I have. :)


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