August 25th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Looks good...

Ok I just found time to check back.   Site looks good from what I can see.   Apparently the host was running something on the server (maintainance or something).   Man.. wish they warn us or something ahead of time.

170 unique view(s)
August 18th, 2006
Posted by pftq

AOE3: Fort Wars 2.0 Released!

Alrighty it’s done! :D

Get it right now in the Fort Wars Download page!

Complete Changelist!

[2.0 from 1.5 Summary]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.08, April 12 2006 - August 18 2006
- Updated accordingly to all patches including patch 1.08
- Autoformations removed. NO SYNC ERRORS after game, but island units may randomly move.
- Starting the game in Nomad Age gives the map fun random changes each time. (list further below)
- Spawn is slightly faster overall.
- Starting Music mutable.    

- Revamped civ bonuses to include large main strength and small weakness.
- Spanish receive 25% cheaper everything but have a 85 coincap.
- British start the game with 1 of each upgrade and two extra Towers but nothing else.
- French receive an extra HP upgrade to their Cuirassiers with every 1.5 upgrade made but have 25% less building hp.
- Dutch receive 25% faster coin rate and 10 higher coincap (more coin per kill and xp) but 10 less pop.
- Portuguese bonus changed to: 3 LOS upgrades with +2 range and 10% attack (tech, here it’s 1/3 upgrade) for ranged cavalry every 2 upgrades but weakness of -1.5 speed.
- Russians get 40% faster spawn and 10 more pop but 20% lower hp on spawn units and their upgrades.
- Germans can spawn fast mercenaries at 95 coin but everything is 15% more expensive.
- Ottoman gets 20 lower coin requirements for spawning but no artillery spawn.

== STAT CHANGES ========
- Counter infantry rifling gives light infantry with firearms more bonus vs hand infantry.
- Attack and HP scaled up from 2.2 to 4.0 (4 times normal stats), making upgrades only 7.5% effective
- Fort HP scaled from 55000 HP to 25000 HP and set to 7.5% HP upgrades instead of 10%. Repair time from 500 to 400.
- Tower hp scaled from 4600 to 1800.
- Fort attack now included in scaling and upgrades.
- Tower attack remains tripled from supremacy to give instant kill attack (10.0 scale instead of 4.0)
- Fort Attack and Tower attack upgrading is still 25%.
- BASE OFF REGULAR STATS…Spawned artillery lose 4 range and cost more pop.   Heavy Artillery has less HP (little over falconet).
- Great Cannons given a 1.0 speed boost to match the speed of regular artillery.
- Cannons gain 1 pop (requested by The_Hunter)
- Manchus gain 1 coin cost (requested by The_Hunter)
- Ronin and Bolas are 1 pop, Great Cannons are 3 pop.
- Outpost Wagon base HP increased by 300.

== BUYING ========
- Upgrade purchases ramps all unit upgrades.   Ramps halved.
- Speed upgrades increases upgrade costs by 2 but adds 0.3 to unit speeds.
- Cost increases are displayed in purchase texts.
- Bolas Warriors made a superunit costing 60 coin, goes up 5 every purchase. Similar to Circe in NW.
- Ronin now cost 40 and goes up by 5 every purchase and made similar to Hersir in NW.
- Tower upgrades made regular store item.
- Tower upgrades give no HP (building HP already does).
- Building HP upgrades costs 25+4.
- Mortar costs 20 coin instead of 25.
- Great Cannons cost 30 +5 coin.
- Super Speed costs 40 coin but doesn’t increase.
- Morale Special - 30% HP boost for 45 seconds. 30 coin
- Medic - Heals all units but vulnerable for 10 seconds. 40 coin
- Removed buying over pop cap.
- Reset purchase delay to 5 seconds - no need since mercs bought in groups.
- Surgeons removed.
- Posts and Explorer Removed.
- Fort Repair lowered to 80.
- Fort made units cost only 2 coin now.

== NOMAD AGE BONUSES (one each time) ========
- 10 speed boost
- 75 coin starting units.
- No cost increases.
- Coin comes 2 times faster.
- Reinforcements come every minute.
- Spies tech enabled
- Super range longbowmen and high bonus lancers vs infantry.
- The map is shrunk.
- Forts contain Llamas instead of Sheep.

== MAP LAYOUT ========
- Unbuildable terrain forming a spikey disk in the center of the map prevent towers from holding onto the llama.
- Outlying islands now given cliffs to maximize area (islands look bigger and cleaner).
- Swamp environment enhanced to be more like a swamp.
- Llama gives 1 coin of XP every 8 seconds to start.   Faster every 5 min by 1 second.
- Explorer dogs removed for pointlessness. (no Explorer)
- No rain or snow due to lag with slower PCs.

== AWARDS ========
- Awards changed and re-arranged.   Several new awards added.   Awards made less powerful to not put the enemy so ahead.
- 600 kills now: 4 Oprichniks, 4 Towers, 3 Mortars
- 800 Kills now: 2 Ronin, 1 Bolas Warrior, 2 Great Cannons
- Added Buyable +1 Special Duration as third 7000XP Award (starts at 20 coin).
- Spawnable awards no longer kill existing units due to conflict with German’s mercenary spawning.
- No game enders.

== TECHNICAL ========
- Archer attack tech replaced with Guard techs due to giving merc and native archers double upgrades.
- Merged all store island buying functions into one to reduce script size and make more efficient (faster load).
- Merged various other parts of the script to reduce filesize and loadtime.
- Script further optimized for less lag/load time.


Hope nothing bad happens cause I’m gone now! Bye! :P

156 unique view(s)
August 17th, 2006
Posted by pftq

AOE3: Fort Wars 2.0 Finalizing

        Alrighty I’ve got it set that by this friday, I’m going to release Fort Wars 2.0 no matter what.   Been way too long and the sooner I get rid of it - the better.   Not that it’s incomplete.   Far from it.   It is very playable and really just needs a few quick tweaks here and there.   It just gets on my nerves now.

        Here’s the complete changelist from the latest released version of FW - which is 1.5.   Took me forever to sift through my notes and summarize them.   If you don’t like the list cause it’s too long - TOO BAD.

        Wow… The whole thing began April 12…. That’s more than 4 months ago… -_-

[2.0 from 1.5 Summary]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.08, April 12 2006 - TBA August 2006
- Updated accordingly to all patches including patch 1.08
- Autoformations removed. NO SYNC ERRORS after game, but island units may randomly move.
- Starting the game in Nomad Age gives the map fun random changes each time. (list further below)
- Spawn is slightly faster overall.
- Coin rate sped up by 12% in regular game.
- Starting Music mutable.  

- Revamped civ bonuses to include large main strength and small weakness.
- Spanish receive 25% cheaper everything but have a 85 coincap.
- British start the game with 1 of each upgrade and two extra Towers but nothing else.
- French receive an extra HP upgrade to their Cuirassiers with every upgrade made but have 25% less fort hp.
- Dutch receive 25% faster coin rate and 10 higher coincap (more coin per kill and xp) but 10 less pop.
- Portuguese bonus changed to: +2 range and 10% attack (tech) for ranged cavalry every 2 upgrades but weakness of -2 speed.
- Russians get 40% faster spawn and 10 more pop but 20% lower hp on spawn units and their upgrades.
- Germans can spawn fast mercenaries at 95 coin but everything is 15% more expensive.
- Ottoman gets 20 lower coin requirements for spawning but no artillery spawn.

== STAT CHANGES ========
- Counter infantry rifling gives light infantry with firearms more bonus vs hand infantry.
- Attack and HP scaled up from 2.2 to 4.0 (4 times normal stats), making upgrades only 7.5% effective
- Fort HP scaled from 55000 HP to 25000 HP and set to 7.5% HP upgrades instead of 10%. Repair time from 500 to 400.
- Tower hp scaled from 4600 to 1800.
- Fort attack now included in scaling and upgrades.
- Tower attack remains tripled from supremacy to give instant kill attack (10.0 scale instead of 4.0)
- Fort Attack and Tower attack upgrading is still 25%.
- BASE OFF REGULAR STATS…Spawned artillery lose 4 range and cost more pop.   Heavy Artillery has less HP (little over falconet).
- Great Cannons given a 1.0 speed boost to match the speed of regular artillery.
- Cannons gain 1 pop (requested by The_Hunter)
- Manchus gain 1 coin cost (requested by The_Hunter)
- Ronin and Bolas are 1 pop, Great Cannons are 3 pop.
- Outpost Wagon base HP increased by 300.

== BUYING ========
- Upgrade purchases ramps all unit upgrades.   Ramps halved.
- Speed upgrades increases upgrade costs by 2 but adds 0.4 to unit speeds.
- Cost increases are displayed in purchase texts.
- Bolas Warriors made a superunit costing 60 coin, goes up 5 every purchase. Similar to Circe in NW.
- Ronin now cost 40 and goes up by 5 every purchase and made similar to Hersir in NW.
- Tower upgrades made regular store item.
- Tower upgrades give no HP (building HP already does).
- Building HP upgrades costs 25+4.
- Mortar costs 20 coin instead of 25.
- Great Cannons cost 30 +5 coin.
- Super Speed costs 40 coin but doesn’t increase.
- Morale Special - 30% HP boost for 45 seconds. 30 coin
- Medic - Heals all units but vulnerable for 10 seconds. 40 coin
- Removed buying over pop cap.
- Reset purchase delay to 5 seconds - no need since mercs bought in groups.
- Surgeons removed.
- Posts and Explorer Removed.
- Fort Repair lowered to 80.
- Fort made units cost only 2 coin now.

== NOMAD AGE BONUSES (one each time) ========
- 10 speed boost
- 75 coin starting units.
- No cost increases.
- Coin comes 2 times faster.
- Reinforcements come every minute.
- Spies tech enabled
- Super range longbowmen and high bonus lancers vs infantry.
- Llama gives 3x the amount of coin.

== MAP LAYOUT ========
- Unbuildable terrain forming a spikey disk in the center of the map prevent towers from holding onto the llama.
- Outlying islands now given cliffs to maximize area (islands look bigger and cleaner).
- Swamp environment enhanced to be more like a swamp.
- Llama gives 1 coin of XP every 8 seconds to start.   Faster every 5 min by 1 second.
- Explorer dogs removed for pointlessness. (no Explorer)

== AWARDS ========
- Awards changed and re-arranged.   Several new awards added.   Awards made less powerful to not put the enemy so ahead.
- 600 kills now: 4 Oprichniks, 4 Towers, 3 Mortars
- 800 Kills now: 2 Ronin, 1 Bolas Warrior, 2 Great Cannons
- Added Buyable +1 Special Duration as third 7000XP Award (starts at 20 coin).
- Spawnable awards no longer kill existing units due to conflict with German’s mercenary spawning.
- No game enders.

== TECHNICAL ========
- Archer attack tech replaced with Guard techs due to giving merc and native archers double upgrades.
- Merged all store island buying functions into one to reduce script size and make more efficient (faster load).
- Merged various other parts of the script to reduce filesize and loadtime.
- Script further optimized for less lag/load time.  

Trust me if you think that list is ugly - you don’t want to see the raw list I had before…

180 unique view(s)
August 14th, 2006
Posted by pftq

42 New Look

        42 Section  has had its layout redone.   Should be a lot better and cleaner.   Notably I kept everything in the banner.   Not sure what theme I’m going for - I guess a sort of space/mechanical look.   The content itself hasn’t been changed yet so it looks a bit weird.   I’ll work on that later.

175 unique view(s)
August 13th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Creations Center Finished

        Okay the section didn’t look as good as I wanted it to be but it’s good now, and I think it’s safe to move on.   It’s a bit empty right now due to the lack of content - but that’ll be fixed when I finish the site and get back to making stuff :P

        I might consider allowing submissions - make it like a place to host things… I don’t know yet.

181 unique view(s)