September 10th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Basic Online Graphing Calculator

        Well just for the heck of it, I decided to see if I could create something to graph stuff (maybe I can start printing my math homework instead of graphing it :P).   It’s not very pretty and doesn’t do much at the moment, but here it is!

        Online Graphing Calculator

Works best in IE - where everything is square.

131 unique view(s)
September 9th, 2006
Posted by pftq

pq File Storage

        Alrighty finally completed my file uploading script to the point I am satisfied and have nothing more to add.   Quite proud of it as it is my first real script completely written by me and running without the need of any game or anything :P.   It works sort of like Photobucket or other services only any file I specify can be uploaded.

        Created myself an admin panel as well.   I can:

  • Create/Modify/Delete Users
  • Specify a User’s Max File Storage

        Regular users can:

  • Add files as public or hidden
  • Remove specific files, all files, or all hidden files
  • Change passwords

        Fairly simple but very easy and quite powerful. :)   It is mainly for my own personal use as well as a few friends who wanted to use it, but who knows.

pq File Storage

125 unique view(s)
September 8th, 2006
Posted by pftq

42: Hex Color Reader

        Just for the heck of it, I decided to test my php skills a bit and see if I could create a display that showed whatever color you input.   Also useful for me because I tend to try out random color codes until I find a color I like - this will help me go through random codes faster. :P

Hexadecimal Color Reader

122 unique view(s)
September 3rd, 2006
Posted by pftq

10000 Visitors!

  Site has hit the 10000 milestone! Of course the actual account is about 5000 higher but.. I’ll go by the new counter (which was installed about a month ago) just to be fair :P

  Now to get 100000 visitors…

150 unique view(s)
September 3rd, 2006
Posted by pftq

42: Funny Stuff

        Just looking through my bookmarks today and noticed a few links I used to use when I collected weird quotes and jokes of the day sort of stuff for my school newspaper.   I thought it’d be interesting to share a few. :)

        There are a lot of junk out there that claim to be funny, aren’t funny, and really just make it a hassle to find the actual good ones.   So currently  I’ve only put up ones that I consider worth visiting.   I’ve also lost some of my old links (new computer) so it’s not as complete as it ought to be, but when I come across them again, I’ll be sure to update it.   Of course feel free to send me any good sites you find yourself as well.

Meanwhile here they are: 42: Funny Stuff

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