October 5th, 2006
Posted by pftq

AOE3: Castle Blood Coming

        There’s been some discussion on making a Castle Blood and there’s a chance I might make it.   More or less I’m just not willing to script out almost an entire map all myself again.   I want to share the frustration :p

        So… currently only mephilip and I are planning to work on it.   More help definitely appreciated.   I also have no idea how to play Castle Blood.. so that’s a problem! :p

        I’ve set up a Castle Blood forum where everything can be discussed. :)

101 unique view(s)
October 4th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Equation Solver

         Just thought I might as well make a tool to solve for variables, since I made one that solves with variables. Unfortunately, it only finds variables that have 2 or less decimal places and are between -1000 and 1000. I suppose it can help you figure out what number you should be getting at least. :p

Equation Solver

207 unique view(s)
October 2nd, 2006
Posted by pftq

Function Tool

This script should be useful for those who have to repeatedly solve functions for math homework or something.

It’s pretty powerful and supports most basic operations.


Function Tool

128 unique view(s)
October 1st, 2006
Posted by pftq

Easy Page Creator

A few sites have been using an Easy Page Creator script I wrote.   I’ve set up a demo version on the site and added it to the Index.

The Index has also been finished up - and is now filterable and searchable, powered by the Easy Page Creator script :p

119 unique view(s)
September 30th, 2006
Posted by pftq

mySQL Counter

Ok the last flat-file run script on my site has been converted to mySQL.   It’s like a religion… everything must be converted! :P

Basically the site should load faster, according to what people tell me.   It is more notable when there are more people on at once, where it might actually cause the site to slow down.

127 unique view(s)