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Poker for CSharp and QLearner
Poker for CSharp and QLearner
Poker for CSharp and QLearner
A full poker game in C# for human practice against bots or training machine learning algorithms, such as with QLearner. ... »

Web, Script, Tool | October 3, 2021 - October 16, 2021
AI, Q-Learning, Machine Learning, CSharp, Poker
Downloaded 61 times

QLearner provides a generalized framework for using machine learning algorithms to solve to any problem defined by a QState. The Plugins Template download includes a template to build your own QStates and several examples to learn from. For more advanced users, new QAlgos can also be created to leverage the framework provided by QLearner. Documentation and API are provided for developing yo... »

Web, Script, Tool | July 22, 2013 | Last Updated July 18, 2015
AI, Q-Learning, Machine Learning, CSharp
Downloaded 456 times

Tech Trader
Tech Trader
Tech Trader
Tech Trader is a fully autonomous system trading thousands of stocks simultaneously with no human intervention. It is unique from conventional algorithmic systems in that it takes a "human" approach to markets. It is not quant. It is not stat-arb. It is not high frequency. It is a program that looks at stocks the same way a person would but with the cold discipline and infinite attention sp... »

Web, Script, Tool | June 27, 2012 - July 5, 2012 | Last Updated October 17, 2015
Stocks, Trading, Tech Trader, AI
Downloaded 9928 times