September 2nd, 2008
Posted by pftq

New Blabberbox and Overall Layout

  I remember saying back in January that I would finish updating the News page.  Looks like I haven’t. :P Good news I managed to clean it up a bit today and put the title in the banner instead.

  Meanwhile, I finally got enough creative spark again (losing alot of those lately) to come up with a half-decent layout for the Blabberbox section.  Went the more plain but simple looking layout.  It’s mostly white but it looks relatively clean, easy to read.  Little clutter.

  Also went ahead and did away with the old navigation frame; made that more than two years ago so I don’t know why it’s lasted so long to begin with.  Decided to match the entire site to the same navigation frame as I had on the news page.  Looks good so far… though I wish I could bring the shadow effect to every page, but Internet Explorer 6 doesn’t support PNG transparency.  Most people still use that browser unfortunately.

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