September 2nd, 2008
Posted by pftq

Gameshow Maker 1.0

Gameshow Maker

  Gameshow Maker can be seen as an extension of the original Jeopardy Maker (which you should check out if you want something more basic and preconfigured).  The idea is allow you to create your own questions/answers gameshow, such as Jeopardy or Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, with little to no work on your end.   Categories, rows, columns, bonuses… Everything is done by the program.  At the absolute minimal, all you need to do is type up the questions.  For the more tech-savy user, virtually everything can be changed in the settings file including sounds, textures, fonts… Gameshow Maker is but a tool to make your presentation.  What you make with it is only limited by your imagination.

=== Improvements Over Jeopardy Maker ===
- HTML Support: Images and Formatting!
- Loadable presets, changeable layouts!
- Reposition or redesign any aspect, add image backgrounds, etc
- Removable category row, renamable buttons
- Use your own sounds/graphics
- Right/wrong answer sounds
- Much more and more to come, just request it!

  Now away from the salespitch a bit, the program is indeed extremely customizable and will only continue to be more customizable as more feature requests come in from users like you! At the moment, all settings are located in preset files.  Ideally, it would be best to have a user-friendly interface to change all settings in.  While I cannot promise a date any time soon, I would like to hope that I might find time in the near future to implement this!

  Do not be afraid to ask for help! Feel free to request features or give feedback at

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