August 31st, 2008
Posted by pftq

Post-it Notes Videos

  My friends and I spent the few weeks working entries to Youtube’s Post-it Notes contest.  Contest says to make something creative.  In a way, we went outside the box a bit - wrapped an entire story around Post-it Notes themselves.  Credit mainly goes to my friend who came up with the initial script.

Lockers for Life

  All content once again created entirely by me - effects, post-it graphic, music, sounds, video recordings.  Only thing I didn’t do this time were the voices. :P

  Of course, subject says “Videos” so there is more than one… Feel free to also watch our Post-it Plane entry.  This was our initial attempt; gave up part way in favor of our newer video, but my friends liked this video better so you might too! :P

  Contest winners determined by public rating. Whatever, you do, remember to rate them! Help us out!  :)

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