January 21st, 2007
Posted by pftq

QV Compare Group Set

        These conditions and effects for Age of Empires III and Age of Mythology allow you to select the highest or lowest QV from a group.


These effects and conditions allows you to compare an unlimited number of QVs.   The condition compares a single QV against any number of other QVs and the effect gives you the highest or lowest value QV out of a group (again of any number of QVs).

QV Compare Group Condition: Measure unlimited QVs by inserting more conditions without enabling the reset box (make sure to check the same QV in “QV to Check”).   Enable RESET to start a new check.   Note that there may be multiple QVs with highest value.

QV Save Highest or Lowest: The NAME of the QV with the highest or lowest value is saved to QVerHighLow (in same trigger only). Enter “+QVerHighLow+” in place of the QV name when you want to get the name of the QV with that value. Be sure to have the “QV Start Highest or Lowest” ONCE in the trigger BEFORE using this any number of times. Measure unlimited QVs in the same trigger by inserting more conditions without enabling the reset box (make sure to check the same QV in “QV to Check”).   Enable RESET to start a new check.   Note that there may be multiple QVs with highest or lowest value, in which the last QV will be used.

Example Trigger to get the Highest QV of a Group:
Effect: QV Start Highest or Lowest
Effect: QV Save Highest or Lowest
- QV1, QV2, QV3 <-- Find highest of these three
- Reset, On
- Checked Var is, >
Effect: QV Save Highest or Lowest
- QV4, QV5, QV6 <-- Also see if any of these are higher
- Reset, OFF <-- Otherwise it doesn"t remember the last 3 QVs
- Checked Var is, >
Effect: Send Chat
- Player 1 says (with decimal): The Highest QV is “+QVerHighLow+” with a value of “+trQuestVarGet(”"+QVerHighLow+”")+”!
- Player 1 says (no decimal): The Highest QV is “+QVerHighLow+” with a value of “+(1*trQuestVarGet(”"+QVerHighLow+”"))+”!

- If QV1 is highest (value of 99), it will say: The Highest QV is QV1 with a value of 99.000000! (or 99 if no decimal)

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