January 20th, 2007
Posted by pftq

ToUnit Effects

         This is my 4th venture into using kb commands for triggers. These commands were discovered by TwentyOneScore nearly 4 years ago, but no effort was put in by the community to understand them. From what I gather, once TOS left, the concept was buried and seemingly lost.

         The build of these triggers is very different from my previous kb trigger effects and conditions (as it is a different type, not an “in Area”), but you should find that it works exactly as it should - ex. Army Deploy with the location set to a unit.

         I have gone and taken all effects I find useful, that use a location as target, and configured them to use a target unit as well:

Army Build Building At Unit
Army Deploy To Unit
Army Teleport To Unit
Invoke God Power At Unit (Lightning, Shift Sands… where unit is)
Move From Area To Unit
QV Invoke God Power At Unit (see Invoke GP At Unit)
Teleport Around Unit To Unit (so weird modding my own code)
Teleport Units to Unit
Unit Build Building At Unit
Unit Create At Unit

Download ToUnit Effects Here

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