October 3rd, 2010
Posted by pftq

Slowest Progress on a Song - Darker Stormy

So after about 3 months' hiatus, I finally sat down to work on "Darker Stormy" again.  I've had the song looping through my mind for some time now, but I can never seem to recall anything once I decide to play it out.  Not much different today - I ended up doing nothing for about an hour before I finally added a minute or so to the song.  The 2 minutes I added afterwards were really just made up or mixed from existing parts of the song. :p

My concern is that it sounds nothing like what I've had in my mind the past three months.  What a waste of brainstorming... Ah well. -_-

It's not finished yet, but thoughts and suggestions are welcome as usual.

Happy Halloween! Tongue
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