August 29th, 2007
Posted by pftq

pq Visitor Counter Update

Just another bugfix and some optimzing. I’ve found that the previous highest visitor counts did not update the record times. Timezones were also wrongly added and several redundant lines of code added only to subtract them again. Finally, record times are now timezone independent and do not shift when you change the timezone setting.

For those who are upgrading from 1.05, simply replace the tracker and pqcounter_core files. Rarely will you ever have to replace your settings file when upgrading. However, you will have to add the following line to your settings:

$iplength=4; // length of ip to check: is 4

Also add $iplength to the list of globals at the top.

I do not remember when I added this; if you already have it in your settings, then ignore this step. :)

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