Thanks, but I don't think that that was in the code, I have checked:
int FlagT=CreateObjectDef("Flag Top");
rmAddObjectDefItem(FlagT, "Cow", 1,0);
rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(FlagT, 0, rmAreaID(plateauT), 1);
int FlagB=CreateObjectDef("Flag Bottom");
rmAddObjectDefItem(FlagB, "Cow", 1,0);
rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(FlagB, 0, rmAreaID(plateauB), 1);
This I took out of the code in the file storage, I will not be at the right computer to do any of this for the rest of the month. But I can look at the code I have and ask a few questions.
Question: If I use the code to p[lace object per player, but want to place it is a certain area, what do I put for "player" in the rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc? right now I have it empty but will that work? (

in its spot)
//int FsightT = rmCreateObjectDef("Revealer");
//rmAddObjectDefItem(FsightT, "CinematicRevealer", 1, 0);
//rmPlaceObjectPerPlayer(FsightT, true, 1);

, plateauT, 1);