Posts: 184
« Reply #98 on: November 11, 2007, 06:07:45 PM » |
If I could make it then I wouldn't have asked. It would be something like this:
void USItrig(int USIplayer=0, int USIunit=0){
int USIselectTrig=rmCreateTrigger("Unit Selection Island select Trigger"+riv); rmSwitchToTrigger(USIselectTrig); rmAddTriggerCondition("Units in Area"); rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt("DstObject", USIunit); rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt("Player", USIplayer); rmSetTriggerConditionParam("UnitType", "IGCHarbormaster"); rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt("Dist", 5); rmSetTriggerConditionParam("Op", "=="); rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt("Count", 1); rmAddTriggerEffect("
Because I don't know much about PHP, and I am working with triggers, I am not sure where to put the return value. and what exactly would I type in the first void, would it be if I wanted an integer just int USIselectTrig(){ or int something=0; USIselectTrig(){ ??
"I am not sure why people are so afraid of new ideas, I am afraid of the old ones" :p