February 21st, 2009
Posted by pftq

Gameshow Maker 1.03

Not as many drastic changes as before, but a few strong and fundamental ones. We now have the addition of “custom buttons” that form a frame around the actual game as well as the support of Chinese characters.

Gameshow Maker

Gameshow Maker 1.03

Here are the some of the new features:

  1. Chinese Character Support - The function was there before but you had to dig a bit deep; the end user had to have the same fonts on his machine and you had to know the exact name of your own fonts without using Chinese characters to name it. Well not anymore; I’ve included a Chinese font into the game itself so you’d just have to use the font name “Chinese” to call it up. However, this significantly increases the filesize of the game, so the web-version (SWF) will not have this available.
  2. Custom Buttons/Frames - Maybe I’ll figure out a more decisive name later. This basically allows you to place buttons along the edges of the game; you name them as well as decorate them. These buttons have no function but are useful for check-offs for ideas like lifelines, ladders, etc.
  3. Title can now be shifted horizontally - you’d think this was here to begin with but I guess it was overlooked. :P

As stated before, the webversion will not have multilanguage support due to the size of the fonts; it would take forever for someone to download online. I currently do not know a way to lessen the filesize or allow for Chinese characters without embedding, so it may or may not be solved in future versions. Then again, I didn’t know how to write Flash before I started making Gameshow Maker, so maybe I might come up with something. If anyone knows how to solve this problem; do tell though - I definitely wouldn’t mind the help. :P

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