December 5th, 2009
Posted by pftq

SMF Notify Group

     It’s been a long time since I did any real programming hehe. :) Some of the forums I’ve been working with have trouble keeping their members updated; the admins would like to force email notification for certain member groups but there isn’t such a feature (at least not that I’m aware of).

     Technically, the script I wrote isn’t really a mod since it doesn’t modify anything. The script allows you to turn on notification of a topic for an entire membergroup. It works by letting you first select membergroups and then the members within those groups that you want to enable (or disable) notification for. It also shows the members currently subscribed to the topic. Currently, only the forum administrator would be able to use the script.

     I actually looked really hard to find a similar script before making this one but couldn’t find one. If a much better script already exists, I’d be more than happy to know about it.
See SMF Notify Group.

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