January 13th, 2011
Posted by pftq

CKEditor Installer for SMF Forums 1.1.x

For a couple of smaller forums, I was asked to set up a rich-text or WYSIWYG editor for the SMF board.  The 1.1.x series does not use HTML yet and relies solely on BBC.

I wrote up a small mod that integrates the free CKEditor (ckeditor.com) with SMF but please note that it does not handle the security (CKEditor escapes most its characters though).  Ideally SMF would have its own rich-text editor and that is what SMF2 intends to do.

Download here: SMF WYSIWYG CKEditor Installer

This mod differs from the approach usually posted elsewhere in that it does not use HTML tags, which are only restricted to admins.  It also fixes the formatting a bit (sometimes you end up with double-spaced posts) and preserves the original post format for the quick-reply box.
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