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October 17th, 2012 4:35:52 PM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
And don't forget about the DB trendline. we're only 1% away from hitting the top
t-rex (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I see a break in resistance line (middle white line, which it bounced off last time, broke it this time) with pretty good volume; I was going to enter with a stop at around $120. Since I don't have time to trade everyday, this was going to be an equity position with a hold time of around a few weeks to a month or two.
Didn't notice how close it was to the top tho (ridiculous stuff. My excuse is the lack of sleep due to 2 mt tmr...)
Didn't notice how close it was to the top tho (ridiculous stuff. My excuse is the lack of sleep due to 2 mt tmr...)
27 unique view(s)
October 15th, 2012
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
TASR if people are still looking at it. breaks out over 6.22
27 unique view(s)
October 16th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Got out of my SPY calls from last week at $2.20 (from $1.40). Rode through more decay than I should have; will get out sooner next time if expiration is under a month.
As usual, my non-program based trades aren't doing that well. Keeping those positions small just to see if they play out later. Not a good idea to pick up CLWR the day my program sells it. <_<
As usual, my non-program based trades aren't doing that well. Keeping those positions small just to see if they play out later. Not a good idea to pick up CLWR the day my program sells it. <_<
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up two trendline breaks so far on WYNN (long) and BBT (short). Going to watch into close to make sure they hold before opening positions.

pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up BBT Nov 32x puts at $.80. WYNN close was a bit too low, line is unbroken so far. Only picked up a few Nov 120x calls at $3.30 and will only add more if we actually break tomorrow.
77 unique view(s)
October 15th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Price, volume, and RSI seem to be calling for a bottom on the NASDAQ here but hitrate isn't as reliable. Also the RSI2 spread is quite wide - usually you want it to be tight for better conviction.

pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Really nice rally across the overall market after that signal, though I'm not sure why fundamentally.
Also picked up CLWR Nov 2.5x calls at .45 when it dipped below 2.50
75 unique view(s)
October 14th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Definitely too late to trade off of but just thought it was interesting my program picked up a trendline break on CLWR friday. I only bothered to run it on CLWR just now though so it doesn't help much.

77 unique view(s)
October 11th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Amazing turnaround overnight - SPY up above 144 in premarket. 
Congrats to everyone who got calls on SPY.

Congrats to everyone who got calls on SPY.

metrolist (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Unemployment # came out low this morning.
October 11th, 2012 8:15:36 AM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Sold my 144x calls for $1.15. bought at .92
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Nice, Max.
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
still holding XME calls yummy
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
lol holding re-entered EURUSD to 1.3140... equivalent to SPX 1470 or so
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of EXC calls at 1.7 from 1.25. Might run higher but I don't have an exit signal made yet for 30 min Trendlines so I have no clue what'd be a good exit.
78 unique view(s)
October 10th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Planning to pick up calls on SPY if this signal holds at close (price needs to stay this low to be oversold).

pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of INTC puts at $.95 from .88. EXC calls also still doing well - going to exit probably at close or tomorrow.

pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up SPY Oct. 143x calls at $1.40

October 10th, 2012 12:02:34 PM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I picked up the 144x calls at .92. See what happens tomorrow
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Interesting drop right before close... anything invalidated with that or buy signal still in play?
Sent from my Nokia N8
Sent from my Nokia N8
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Shite was that because of beige book?! Just got out of a midterm
Sent from my Nokia N8
Sent from my Nokia N8
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Reaction was quite mute from beige book. Sell off across the day was steady. Drop doesn't hurt the signal - we can definitely dip lower tomorrow or the day after since it's not a market timing strategy.
81 unique view(s)
October 9th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
First time screening for intraday trendline breaks with my program - just trying this out as I don't know how effective it is on the 30-min chart yet (it works for buying the stock itself but not sure if the movement if enough for options).
Picked up a few EXC 35x Oct calls at $1.25

Picked up a few EXC 35x Oct calls at $1.25

wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Btfd gold, eur, spx. Ichi fast line and trend bottom support hit, much prefer to close at 12870 or higher to retarget 13140
freaking apple correction dragging everyone down, but btfd!
Sent from my Nokia N8
freaking apple correction dragging everyone down, but btfd!
Sent from my Nokia N8
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
<<reply to post on October 4th, 2012 1:40:35 pm>>
XME calls working well, with XME breaking out. strong volume. both WLT CLF over 50 day sma.
XME calls working well, with XME breaking out. strong volume. both WLT CLF over 50 day sma.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Good job on XME - setup is pretty good on that one. Hope you didn't get into RIMM though.
Planning to also buy puts on INTC if this signal holds.

Planning to also buy puts on INTC if this signal holds.

ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
INTC 100 month SMA at 21.69
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
lol I was confused for a bit since the 200-day is way above... why 100 month?
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Went ahead and picked up Nov 22x puts for INTC at $.88. We gapped down today so it wasn't as strong a break (might bounce to fill the gap), but at least then I have more time on the options.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
The SMA I erroneously coded closely approximates 2xPeriod EMA but isn't exactly the same. Any idea what it is I actually made or should I just call this a new indicator? The formula is below for calculating the moving average:
MA = [ MA * (Periods - 1) + Price ] / Periods
MA = [ MA * (Periods - 1) + Price ] / Periods
87 unique view(s)
October 8th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up Nov calls for RSX at $1.20 based on short-term oversold. Signal was from previous day so I was actually going to buy this morning cheaper but I hesitated.

29 unique view(s)
October 4th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
PCS just started spiking again. Only thing I could find was way earlier news about Sprint maybe making a counter bid.
Will be funny if I end up making a profit on this one despite the horrible volatility.
Will be funny if I end up making a profit on this one despite the horrible volatility.
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
long XME 44 calls. alot of miners like CLF, VALE, AA, WLT making inverted heads and shoulder patterns.
also RIMM is looking beyond amazing, definitely getting in at break of 100sma.
also RIMM is looking beyond amazing, definitely getting in at break of 100sma.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I'd wait for confirmation on RIMM, make sure it can clear previous top, unless that's all you're going for.
But yeah, market and miners look great today after breaking above weekly range.
86 unique view(s)
October 3rd, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Yeah, I gotta stop making these side trades and stick to my program. Typical sell the news with PCS - good thing only picked up a few.
And while I was preoccupied with PCS, I didn't notice my program made another RSI flip on SPY (could've been another 50-100% trade on calls). Really need to get it sending me emails soon so I can notice them without going home to run the program.

And while I was preoccupied with PCS, I didn't notice my program made another RSI flip on SPY (could've been another 50-100% trade on calls). Really need to get it sending me emails soon so I can notice them without going home to run the program.

27 unique view(s)
October 2nd, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Got out the rest of my SPY calls at $2.30 (from 1.70) and a few SPY weeklies I picked up yesterday at $.80 (from $.6).
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Not from program but watching PCS and LEAP
PCS at $13, LEAP at $7.70. Looks like a breakout setup but I haven't done this kind of trading in a while. Any thoughts?
PCS at $13, LEAP at $7.70. Looks like a breakout setup but I haven't done this kind of trading in a while. Any thoughts?
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up a few PCS Oct 14x calls at $.70. I like LEAP's intraday chart more, but I feel better buying the stock that's actually generating the news (merger with TMobile).

84 unique view(s)
October 1st, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Got my exit signal for the SPY trade last week, which will pretty much hold today unless we close super-bullish (at HOD or something). It trades on close prices only though, so when the best time is to sell today is ambiguous. It also doesn't mean we can' t go higher, just that now my program has no clue what the market will do from here.