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October 24th, 2012

October 24th, 2012 11:23:06 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Great chart.  Like the doji being formed today to, good luck.
Good thing we didn't follow through with a straddle on GLD.  Nothing happened with Bernanke.
October 24th, 2012 11:26:19 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Hmm I wonder if the fomc just suggested renewing op twist...

Sent from my Nokia N8
October 24th, 2012 12:03:06 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of MMM calls at $1.25 (from $1.10)

Added Nov 95x puts on ALXN at $4.
October 24th, 2012 12:14:17 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Just crazy last few days - tons of trendline breaks, almost all short.  Pretty much the only long breaks are penny stocks.
October 24th, 2012 12:57:35 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up Nov 37x puts on XLI at $1.18
71 unique view(s)

October 23rd, 2012

October 23rd, 2012 7:10:13 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up Nov 35x puts at $.34 on XLP, trendline break downwards.  Program only giving out trendline breaks to the downside today; no RSI long plays due to multiple bearish patterns it picked up.
October 23rd, 2012 9:09:29 AM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
DB calls working out great. stock is down 6% since I bought em
October 23rd, 2012 10:06:08 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up Nov 87.5 puts for MMM at $1.10
October 23rd, 2012 10:08:49 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
out TLT 124 calls at 1.29.
October 23rd, 2012 10:18:29 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
long $XLF Dec 16 calls at 0.42
October 23rd, 2012 1:01:19 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up XLV Dec 41x calls just to avoid having too much of my portfolio weighted towards shorts.
80 unique view(s)

October 22nd, 2012

October 22nd, 2012 6:41:32 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Program didn't consider the dip Friday for AAPL as strong enough for a break.  We need to close down strongly today to confirm it or the support will remain.
October 22nd, 2012 8:02:19 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
A bit late but picked up NVDA Oct puts at open this morning at $.55.  Will probably get out today at close as that's when program is designed to exit after shorting Friday.
October 22nd, 2012 10:54:00 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...

Can anyone run rsi2 on the etfs? Any signals with the most recent dip?

October 22nd, 2012 11:57:17 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
long $TLT 124 calls at 1.02.
October 22nd, 2012 5:51:50 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bah, didn't have connection to close out of NVDA under $12 today, despite my program's exit.  Going to hope it doesn't rebound too soon tomorrow.
78 unique view(s)

October 19th, 2012

October 19th, 2012 8:59:53 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Potential support break on NVDA.  Watch the close for a stronger sell off (instead of just the edge of the candle breaching the trendline).
October 19th, 2012 9:16:00 AM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
DB puts working out. Nov 45 puts trading at 2.18. Got in at 1.45. and that trendline on aapl didnt hold.
October 19th, 2012 9:27:22 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Thanks for the heads up - I forgot about AAPL.  Very interesting today.  A handful of indices also flagging a bearish trend, so my RSI signals become muted (no more buy on dips on those).  Not yet on SPY though.
October 19th, 2012 9:29:04 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Just think we got a bot on gld at 172

Sent from my Nokia N8
October 19th, 2012 9:35:24 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
No bottom for GLD on daily yet at least.  If anything, it just broke 168 support pretty badly.
October 19th, 2012 9:39:58 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Hmmm.. Should consider exiting. Had large entries on gold 1720, one of the major fibs. If anything, should be a pretty good corrective bounce this afternoon

Sent from my Nokia N8
October 19th, 2012 9:42:33 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
5 minute spx, xau, oil showing the bleed is stopping. Rsi recovering and heiken ashi flattening

Also watch that eur leading the way back up

Sent from my Nokia N8
October 19th, 2012 9:45:29 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Maybe for minute-to-minute.  On day-to-day, SPY still has to break the intraday downtrend before we can be sure the sell-off is done.
October 19th, 2012 10:31:40 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Lol just got to the office and pulled up cmg...

Sent from my Nokia N8
October 19th, 2012 10:58:19 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Yeah no break of the intraday downtrend.  New lows. Smiley
NVDA also up 30% since the post on next week's puts.
October 19th, 2012 11:08:57 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Tech Trader now has a brain.
October 19th, 2012 11:25:53 AM PST
Posted by pstec | #
pstec (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
did appl just break its trend line?
October 19th, 2012 11:26:57 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
It looks like it.  I was surprised as well.  Need to see the close though - there are conditions to detect "bad" breaks and so far the program isn't flagging this as a break so I'm cautious.
October 19th, 2012 11:30:44 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
happy 25th anniversary!
October 19th, 2012 5:33:00 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...

Incase the humor went over the heads of some, the Tech Trader AI is now functional. You can mix/match indicators and it will tell you how to best configure them.

Useful also if you are writing a new indicator and are not sure of what the best thresholds are; instead just make them settings and the thresholds still automatically be found.

24 unique view(s)

October 18th, 2012

October 18th, 2012 4:35:33 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
APOL is the new RIMM.
October 18th, 2012 6:32:58 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
BBT puts from Tuesday working great so far, currently 1.5 from $.80.
October 18th, 2012 6:49:24 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
No new trendline breaks so far today but a few Bottom signals.  Ironically one on APOL.
Note the Bottom signals don't specify how long it might take to bounce - we could flatline for months from any of these.
Also depends on how we close today as usual.

October 18th, 2012 7:00:15 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Max, you should be making a killing on those CHK calls. Smiley
October 18th, 2012 9:16:15 AM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I am. CHK just cleared the big resist at 21.50. I'm hoping for a close 21.60-21.65

October 18th, 2012 9:21:01 AM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
arg. spoke too soon. I was watching it trying to clear that 21.50 mark forever but its at 21.47 again
October 18th, 2012 9:29:43 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...

Meh, BK makes me sad. Just going up even higher, no pullback for me to enter.

October 18th, 2012 9:49:02 AM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
lol at GOOG. hate when your earnings get released intraday
October 18th, 2012 9:51:46 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...

So that's why the market just tanked. Just better for my bbt puts then