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November 6th, 2012

November 6th, 2012 11:21:20 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I say no new positions until the elections clear out. Confirmation is better.
November 6th, 2012 11:38:38 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Yeah - going to close out positions before end of today.  Premiums might fall after election results.

Currently holding SPY 143.5x weeklies at $1 though - think we close near highs before election.
November 6th, 2012 11:47:41 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Lol first the spreads get massive to mess with everyone's technicals. Then explode either way or nothing, just like normal :p

Sent from my Nokia N8
November 6th, 2012 11:48:02 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
agreed. i held some GMCR and MLNX this morning, no follow through so dumped.
November 6th, 2012 11:50:27 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
also bitter that i sold CMG too early lol. AOL monster all time highs again.
November 6th, 2012 11:53:40 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Watch BAC for tomorrow - setting up to break $10
November 6th, 2012 12:19:13 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
im with you on that. will be watching GS
November 6th, 2012 1:17:31 PM PST
Posted by Max Oltersdorf | #
Max Oltersdorf (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bought some calls on ESRX this morning around 8:45 PST. for $2.10. Sold 1/3 for 2.65 and 1/3 for 2.80
November 6th, 2012 4:51:37 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Nice - yeah, I was expecting a bounce.  Just was impatient and tried to short for the pullback instead.
28 unique view(s)

November 4th, 2012

November 4th, 2012 11:43:44 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
AAPL - RSI2 = 3.75. #1 on my watchlist tomorrow. dead cat oversold bounce for sure guys.
29 unique view(s)

November 2nd, 2012

November 2nd, 2012 12:42:30 PM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I'd start getting rid of the calls we have and stick with the puts only. Current momentum is still to the downside, resistance is at 1400.
November 2nd, 2012 12:43:57 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...

The calls we have don't move with macro as much so should be fine. Already closed out of xlv and dia

November 2nd, 2012 2:10:49 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
bearish engulfing on $DJIA $COMPQ, and definitely $SPY and $RUT.
November 2nd, 2012 2:18:14 PM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
lol massive evening star on risk correlated GBPUSD
Attachments: gbpusd1d11022012.png
114 unique view(s)

November 1st, 2012

November 1st, 2012 11:44:40 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
GNW calls currently at $.30 from $.20; going to get out at either a break below $6.08 or a test of $6.60.

Picked up Dec. 45x calls on PCAR at $1.70
November 1st, 2012 12:16:17 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Huge spike on ORLY just now but gave away all its gains.  Dunno what to think of it - thoughts?
November 1st, 2012 12:26:54 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up a few Nov 90x calls on ORLY at $.90; see if this weird volume spikes leads to anything.
November 1st, 2012 12:48:51 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
its becuase of AAP news.
November 1st, 2012 12:51:38 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Got out of ORLY at $1.30 from $.90.

How is ORLY related to AAP news though? If it's just sector movement, probably not sustainable.
November 1st, 2012 2:21:48 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
yep defintely unsustainable. sympathy play. both retail, auto parts stores.
84 unique view(s)

October 31st, 2012

October 31st, 2012 7:09:51 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of DIA calls at $1.82 from $1.70
ALXN puts finally playing out; stock is at $93 from $95 call initial post.

DIA from a week back:

The lower trendline breaks on IWM/IWO last Friday that didn't hold into close ended up breaking anyway.  Picked up IWM Nov 81x puts at $1.40
October 31st, 2012 7:57:49 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Holding all puts now (IWM, XLP, XLI, ALXN) from trendline breaks, so I'm hoping to get some long signals soon to balance out.

Watching GNW for a good close to confirm an upper trendline break.
October 31st, 2012 9:29:42 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Added GNW Nov 6x calls at .20.  Seems like banks are doing well compared to the rest of the market, and it's a nice way to balance all the puts I'm holding.
Out of ALXN at $5.3 from $4
35 unique view(s)

October 30th, 2012

October 30th, 2012 6:43:52 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Wake up, see that the 1% ramp hasn't broken any resistances, go back to sleep for an hour. Tongue
Attachments: ger301d10302012.PNG
October 30th, 2012 12:18:25 PM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Ya know, I just realized that because of the hurricane, shutdown of the NYC subway system, PATH trains (NJ to Manhattan) and almost all other forms of infrastructure, NY's economy is dead for the next few days.

Unless the Fed's doing this ramping courtesy of Henry and co...

Also, even though SPX futures are trading at 1415 now, we are making the way up from 1400 during the start of European session. So... we're back where we started. And also, SPX futures aren't trading right now... opening in around 4 hours.
80 unique view(s)

October 29th, 2012

October 29th, 2012 8:36:08 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
This SPY signal was actually generated Friday, so I'm definitely noticing this one a bit late.  However, this strategy is the most comprehensive of the 3 I currently have, using all the indicators I know instead of just being led by either Trendlines or RSI.  The significance is that this strategy has not made a trade since June (long) when I first wrote it, so it's basically the first trade it's making since it was born. :O I'm very confused though why it shorted at such a low point; will be watching closely to see how it performs in real life now.

Altogether a very confusing past week for me so far.  We basically had short signals from support trendlines breaking across the board on the S&P individual stocks and on several sector indicies but at the same time, a few select indicies were oversold and marked as long for the RSI-driven strategy.  The addition of this third more complex strategy also weighing short on the SPY itself just makes me more confused. Sad
33 unique view(s)

October 26th, 2012

October 26th, 2012 9:00:49 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Market's dying too slow. <_< Picked up SPY 141x weekly puts at $.30
Also got out of XLV calls at $.60
October 26th, 2012 9:08:07 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of SPY weeklies at $.60 - going to get back in on a bounce.
October 26th, 2012 9:18:47 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
More support breaks just now. Only valid if we don't rally back up into close of course.

October 26th, 2012 10:15:11 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Back into SPY 141x puts at $.35
October 26th, 2012 1:01:55 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Gave back the gains from the first trade.  Ah well.
Strange close today - not sure what to make of it.  Was strong enough to cancel the previous two breaks so back to neutral.
October 26th, 2012 2:35:50 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
AAPL sold strangle worked out way too well as an earnings trade yesterday.

also long AAPL. my bearish stance on AAPL has been erased by this hammer today.
33 unique view(s)

October 25th, 2012

October 25th, 2012 7:51:51 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
about to sell puts on MA soon. RSI 2 is at 1.28, 6 days of straight red.
October 25th, 2012 9:46:15 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I was skeptical about the AAPL and QLD short signals posted the last couple days but it looks like they played out today.  Should've trusted the program.  
October 25th, 2012 12:49:25 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up Nov 31x calls on DIA at $1.70.  Oversold + bottom signal recently.  Only thing is I'm not sure how well the signal works for this symbol.  Again, only really picking this up as a hedge against all the Trendline short signals.
October 25th, 2012 1:02:03 PM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Fits the FX space - all currencies have more to drop. I bet the reason is GDP tomorrow. Looking for a blowout of good data.
October 25th, 2012 1:40:15 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Awesome, AAPL missed earnings.  Was starting to worry that my program's massive onslaught of short signals might be wrong. Tongue
33 unique view(s)

October 24th, 2012

October 24th, 2012 10:20:31 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
David, the FOMC is at 11:15, not 10:15. <_<
October 24th, 2012 10:26:42 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
... No way, I thought I said 11:15!
October 24th, 2012 11:20:05 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
long CMG 240.00 CMG