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Discuss current stocks, trades, and anything else on a day-to-day basis here...
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
believe it or not guys GRPN is above its 50 day SMA. very bullish actually...
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Yes, market overall very strong today and lifted most stocks. We need to come up with some trend-following strategies so we don't always need to time reversals or breaks. 

ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
well it is holiday rally season. 80% uptrend right?
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Not without pullbacks. That's kind of the point - when's the next top, next pullback.
37 unique view(s)
November 27th, 2012
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
congrats to all that took the trade.
"TASR if people are still looking at it. breaks out over 6.22"
https://www.pftq.com/forums/index.php?topic=218.msg6855#msg685538 unique view(s)
November 26th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Nice down day. Was beginning to worry my signals might be wrong. 

ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
$1.3 million into XLU Dec 35 Calls today. looking at a good entry into Jan 35 calls.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Yes, XLU and XLK doing well compared the rest of the market.
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
my limit order at 0.29 for XLU Jan 35 was filled. keep an eye on it. also GMCR earnings tomorrow.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Comprehensive strategy on SPY has also gone short now (joining the RSI onslaught of short signals from last week). Scary since if this trade is wrong, it triggers a mistake on both strategies now. :p

ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
sounds good, i will be looking to play that with you. XLU is indeed a defensive sector.
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
The short on SPY sounds good - gold, EUR and especially the Nikkei have hit and reversed.
38 unique view(s)
November 23rd, 2012
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
hope those QQQ calls are working out well! looks like it doesnt even wanna pull back
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Yes, the market will never pullback. We should dump everything in calls and not look back
On a more serious note, exiting the last of my longs and continuing to scale into puts.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up AAPL 570x calls at .38, it's been lagging the rest of the market all day.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Back out at .60.
121 unique view(s)
November 21st, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
As expected, tentative short on SPY also showed up now on reversion-based strategy. Will watch the close to make sure it holds before acting on it.

ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
perfect. when SPY RSI2 covers ill enter my QQQ calls.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Confirmed short signal today on SPY. Also picked up short signals on a ton of other etfs. Will probably act on this Friday since I wasn't home today.

38 unique view(s)
November 20th, 2012
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
heads up guys, someone just poured $13 million into Jan 65 calls for QQQ.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
If we break $139.20 intraday on SPY, I'll add a bit. Don't plan on holding past $140 though.
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
these are January calls so a lot of cushion and time. i will wait for a "fake" dip to buy in, as last time i did not wait long enough.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Not really keen on holding any calls for more than a few days, even if January.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Let me know when you think the fake dip is worth buying in.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Well we dipped, picked up a few calls to see if the Jan calls QQQ mean anything.
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
personally i would wait for a bigger dip, but ok, scale in slowly
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Did we get in? Bouncing off the established fib, good one I think to BFTD
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up a short signal on XLP via RSI. It is the only short signal on any of the sectors/etfs though. I'm guessing we see a gradual rotation of long positions to short over the next few trading days but just a guess on that part.

wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
hmm... well at least we know staples don't really correlate that much with the overall market. Are we still in any longs?
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Just the SPY calls to trade with the QQQ tip.
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
k, but still... I think it might be a little bit too soon to rotate to shorts, especially on sectors (indiv companies will be OK)
123 unique view(s)
November 19th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Great open today. Planning on exiting DIA and XLU calls from RSI2 last Thursday some time today.

No exit signal for SPY calls from my comprehensive strategy yet but we'll see what happens end of day.

No exit signal for SPY calls from my comprehensive strategy yet but we'll see what happens end of day.

wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bloody hope we don't close the gap...
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Don't scare me dude. 

pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Sigh, exited a bulk at 138.5, now broke upwards. Please keep unbacktested speculation to a minimal, at least during market hours. :p
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Only SPY from the comprehensive strategy is still in play now.

ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
next time we have a correction, instead of staying all cash I should trade SPY with you.
38 unique view(s)
November 16th, 2012
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Program closed out of shorts for T and FFIV at new lows this morning - let's stop calling for exits prematurely.
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Looks like technicals predict the future again - 1 day before Congress announces "optimism" 
Same thing happened with ECB in the summer, QE3, first unemployment number below 8%, etc.

Same thing happened with ECB in the summer, QE3, first unemployment number below 8%, etc.

wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Hey, and it's Friday! So holiday effect is right on time. You guys also
know that ramp up was only in the last 30 minutes...
know that ramp up was only in the last 30 minutes...