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58 unique view(s)

June 12th, 2014

June 12th, 2014 4:06:09 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bitcoin dipping to $550.  I added some more around $555.

I'm thinking it'll form a reverse head-and-shoulders on the daily chart.
42 unique view(s)

June 11th, 2014

June 11th, 2014 3:19:04 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
EWJ japan wants higher
37 unique view(s)

June 10th, 2014

June 10th, 2014 11:08:56 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Added back a little into XRP around .0042 yesterday, keeping enough to average down if things go south again.   The downtrend has been broken on longer timeframes as well.  
37 unique view(s)

June 9th, 2014

June 9th, 2014 7:46:04 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Starting to look like XRP will not have its feared sell off.  Pretty disappointing.  Watching for the next low is placed to confirm the new uptrend.
June 9th, 2014 10:41:04 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
NKE FB OREX cup and handles are everywhere
35 unique view(s)

June 4th, 2014

June 4th, 2014 5:36:33 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Looks like something is starting.  16M XRP sell just went through and everything started trending down after that.  No panic yet through.
XRP on Tech Trader
33 unique view(s)

June 3rd, 2014

June 3rd, 2014 5:08:14 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
at least that was mt gox's spread - havent looked at the other exchanges
June 3rd, 2014 8:56:43 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
MtGox went bankrupt 4 months ago.  It was a sketchy exchange to begin with (the prices there frequently misaligned with other exchanges).
33 unique view(s)

June 2nd, 2014

June 2nd, 2014 3:29:07 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
then again, bitcoin's bid and ask spread is around $20-30 dollars so
technically a regular swing from $600 to $650 is kinda expected
June 2nd, 2014 3:57:19 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Not really... I'm looking at it right now in Coinbase. Spread is a few

Bitcoin is $680 now BTW Tongue
June 2nd, 2014 3:58:46 PM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Is there a way to trade this on leverage? Or should I just mine heheheh
June 2nd, 2014 4:12:34 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bitfinex let's you take margin/short/leverage.  Predictious lets you trade
33 unique view(s)

June 1st, 2014

June 1st, 2014 12:32:27 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bitcoin just flash crashed to $600 and is already going back above $650. Did anyone buy on the dip? Tongue
33 unique view(s)

May 31st, 2014

May 31st, 2014 7:53:17 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bitcoin is $640 now.  Smiley
35 unique view(s)

May 23rd, 2014

May 23rd, 2014 8:18:07 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Bitcoin finally breaking its downtrend.  Pretty clean move out of the triangle.
May 23rd, 2014 8:21:25 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
We were just discussing this yesterday. It looks like Nasdaq during the
tech boom. History rhymes... Can you pull up a chart of that?
May 23rd, 2014 8:37:44 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Which tech boom? Tongue
May 23rd, 2014 8:41:04 AM PST
Posted by wd1040 | #
wd1040 (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
The very left one
May 23rd, 2014 9:36:26 AM PST
Posted by t-rex | #
t-rex (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Damn, thanks for the heads up. I love that this thread is still kicking
33 unique view(s)

February 19th, 2014

February 19th, 2014 6:25:32 PM PST
Posted by Ashleen | #
Ashleen (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Wow. I'm so glad I finally checked my stocks. Making bank son!
32 unique view(s)

February 20th, 2013

February 20th, 2013 3:07:36 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
follow up on XLF post below.
25% gain not bad eh?
35 unique view(s)

February 4th, 2013

February 4th, 2013 2:25:53 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
where is everyone!? lol will i see people on chat tomorrow morning...
(2-1-13) $1.5 million in 50,000 April $18 calls $0.30
i currently have March 18 calls at 0.16, join me! next leg of this rally is in financials
114 unique view(s)

December 31st, 2012

December 31st, 2012 11:07:47 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Sigh, my program is beating me.  I'm now obsolete.
114 unique view(s)

December 20th, 2012

December 20th, 2012 8:56:50 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
My Tech Trader program now automatically posts its trades to my virtual trading site as well.  Useful for me to keep track of what it's doing from my phone and whatnot.

It's pretty much like another person trading my account for me now lol

Meanwhile comprehensive strategy is still short on SPY.  Will be hilarious if the next sell off coincides with the end of the world prediction date (12/21/2012).
37 unique view(s)

December 18th, 2012

December 18th, 2012 8:33:21 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
those QQQ calls mentioned a few days ago working out perfectly
was 2.19, sold at 2.62, now 2.74 -> and these are the march's, as opposed to the feburaries.
123 unique view(s)

December 17th, 2012

December 17th, 2012 8:02:47 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Updated bollinger bands to highlight pinches in bold red.  Looks like we're forming one on SPY right now as well.  Should be interesting.

Also tentative long on LRCX based on trendlines.
35 unique view(s)

December 14th, 2012

December 14th, 2012 12:26:45 PM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
heads up today.
Feb. 68 calls, 30,000 contracts, $0.65 on QQQ. thats a $1.95 million bet
also Jan. 2015 $190 puts, 900 contracts, $51.60 on CRM. thats a $4.64 million bet.

I will be looking to play the QQQ calls, hesitant about the CRM puts.
December 14th, 2012 3:53:27 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
These could just be hedges to a larger position - just keep in mind.
December 14th, 2012 4:11:48 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Finally done with finals here - haven't looked at anything all week and still slowly taking things in haha Grin

Comprehensive strat on SPY is still short.  Great bounce down from resistance, love how we sold off from QE announcement again.  MACD is still bullish though and the volume isn't strongly indicative of a top.

Automated trades did ok, about flat this week with a mix of losses/gains.  Need to restrict the number of RSI trades since a lot of them seemed correlated (right together, wrong together,).  Trendline break trades helped even things out for the most part, namely trades on MU, AMRN, A, and DKS.  FCX didn't play out at all - probably should put a filter on gap-downs (actually  have one on the strat but it's for extreme % gap-downs, which didn't trigger on FCX).

120 unique view(s)

December 7th, 2012

December 7th, 2012 6:59:03 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Not much change in market conditions so far, just more stocks continuing to run up against resistance and geting flagged as short opportunities.  Am prepared to flip long if they break though.

118 unique view(s)

December 6th, 2012

December 6th, 2012 6:31:42 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Only one new trade today from the automation.  FCX Dec. 31x Puts at $1.20
122 unique view(s)

December 5th, 2012

December 5th, 2012 8:49:58 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Comprehensive strategy will cover and go long again if we close this low (close-dependent signals now labeled in orange).
December 5th, 2012 1:54:56 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of HTZ at $1.40 on the calls from $1.30 (missed my exit with the program earlier).  SPY cover didn't happen - guess we wait more before going long lol

Finally got my trades being automated by my Tech Trader program though and it just exited Dec. calls on CE at $2.40 (from $1.75 entry a couple days ago).  It also just started an entry on EWZ Dec. 52x puts at $.82.  I'm posting this late cause I also just saw this myself; am away from home a lot these last few weeks of school and am not always around to post the trades when they happen (which is a good thing this is now automated Smiley ).

123 unique view(s)

November 30th, 2012

November 30th, 2012 8:02:05 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
HTZ exited yesterday - was out all day and will want to follow that at some point today.

Also a tentative short on KSS.
November 30th, 2012 9:08:43 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
XLU Jan calls now 0.57, +96.5% gain from entry.sold too early yesterday at 0.50 +72%.
38 unique view(s)

November 28th, 2012

November 28th, 2012 3:40:23 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
$1+ million in the HLF Dec 40 puts today.
currently in the Jan 42.5 put at 3.00

November 28th, 2012 10:11:44 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Short signals from last week closed out on the dip in the first hour today.  SPY for example exited at $139.05.  Was worried this wouldn't play out but seems ok now. Smiley My comprehensive SPY strat is still short though, so I'm keeping a few longer-dated puts on SPY just to see where that goes.

November 28th, 2012 11:22:55 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
PCLN about to cross over 200 SMA at 646.53, would buy if i had capital left lol.
November 28th, 2012 11:45:11 AM PST
Posted by ItsMeexD | #
ItsMeexD (Guest) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
AAPL red to green right now.
willing to give up AAPL for an even better set up, limit order for GOOG set at 680.10
November 28th, 2012 2:41:02 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Trendline break on HTZ today.  Picked up Jan 15x calls at $1.25