August 23rd, 2008
Posted by pftq

Another Song - Another Day

Working on another song.  It’s supposed to be light and peaceful and meant for a video entry I’m working on.  Can’t figure out how to continue it though cause it should go up to about 2 min.

Suggestions welcome! :)

183 unique view(s)
August 19th, 2008
Posted by pftq

New Song - Torment

  Was just fiddling with a piano keyboard yesterday and happened to play nice a short tune.  Was not that hard to play so I figured to just wrap it up as it sounds pretty nice.  A bit gloomy, yes - maybe I’ll use it for a horror movie. :P

  It can also sort of loop if you let it repeat - it certainly doesn’t sound bad listening to over and over again.  Enjoy! :D

109 unique view(s)
August 3rd, 2008
Posted by pftq

Fair Maiden

  First edited video you guys have probably seen from me and my first time actually producing everything that went with it. :P

  This is an entry to the contest in the humor track.  Didn’t take too long to make but it was pretty darn hard drawing all the parts in Photoshop frame for frame. <_< Of course, once I got it into After Effects, I could get lazy and re-use some frames… and use some fancy effect-editing… but most of it I had to draw. :P Music I made in FL Studio - not too fancy but it fits the clip.  And finally the voices of course are all me… after some modification of course. :P

  Don’t even bother looking at the Youtube version though - I don’t know why the audio is so crappy (reuploaded about 5 times, different format - no luck).  The only reason the video is even up there is because the contest requires it (in which case, still rate it please! Just don’t bother watching the video FROM there :P ).

129 unique view(s)
April 10th, 2008
Posted by pftq

Jeopardy Maker 1.0

  Finally got around to learning another programming language - this time moving into Flash and ActionScript 3.0 :D (also first time coding a stand-alone program)  My first major project being a Jeopardy boardgame requested by a few teachers at my school.  Figured why create 4 seperate games when I can make one to suit them all. ;) 

  Some people take one glance and think it’s done with Powerpoint - but give it a shot and ask yourself: How can Powerpoint read a list of questions and generate a table? How can Powerpoint automatically adjust table columns and rows depending on what you give it? :P

Jeopardy Maker

  Jeopardy Maker is a fully-featured and customizable Flash application.  The program is written entirely in ActionScript 3.0 and designed to run on any Windows computer with Adobe Flash support (which virtually every modern computer has).  Categories, rows, columns, daily doubles… are all generated and calculated by the program on the fly.  All you have to do is enter the questions and answers.  The program supports any number of rows and columns (the max. being until your computer explodes) as well as many other optional settings (# Daily Doubles, Final Jeopardy, point values, etc).    No hassle with Powerpoint slides!
  - Supports any numbers of rows and columns, calculated by the number of questions and answers you give it.
  - Everything is automatic; just enter your desired questions, answers, and categories in the appropriate txt files.
  - Daily Doubles generated randomly each time.  Option to set number of daily doubles or disable.
  - Final Jeopardy question at the end; optional.
  - Countless settings for more advanced users: seperate Q/A folders for loading seperate games, changeable table and fontsizes, and other quirks.
  *Designed and tested ‘.exe’ for PC, but I can easily create a ‘.app’ for Mac.  Contact me if interested.

  Download or try the online demo for yourself: Jeopardy Maker

200 unique view(s)
March 26th, 2008
Posted by pftq

Castle Blood 2.0 in Works

  Rivergod has taken up the task of updating Castle Blood 1.1 for Age of Empire III’s second expansion.  Best of luck to him as it will no doubt take some time to do.  It’s never easy working from another’s code.

   He has also started a new thread for suggestions and updates to Castle Blood 2.0’s updates, which you can view here: Castle Blood 2.0

  I will more or less remain as advisor to the project as I do not even own the game anymore.  But knowing my own scripting habits, there will no doubt be some confusion along the way. :P

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