January 3rd, 2007
Posted by pftq

Castle Blood Ladder

        Following a few random requests, I slightly modified the current Fort Wars Ladder script to accomadate for Castle Blood games as well.

        Here’s a quick Castle Blood Ladder for those interested. :)

108 unique view(s)
January 2nd, 2007
Posted by pftq

Updating Fort Wars Power Rating

Updating the ladder (switching to xml links) and those provide information on who wins in FFAs and uneven teams.  Basically it’d be like the old ladder a bit. FFAs - everyone contributes a few points and the winner takes all.

Uneven teams is about the same only it’s shared among the team.

Example: 2v4

The four lose and give up 10 points each.
The two each get 20 points.

It seems to give alot of points however.

Tested this: all 1600, 4 players, FFA
Winner: ~79
Losers: ~26

Maybe if teams are uneven, points distributed are halfed or something.
To better give you guys an idea of what I’m talking about,

Here’s the new ladder running parallel with the current one.  

Good or bad? Vote here…

101 unique view(s)
December 27th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Castle Blood Released!!!

After almost ditching the project completely (been very busy lately), I’ve finally released the map for Age of Empires III.   The basic map itself was actually finished about a month ago - then everything to do with it just stopped.

Decided to release it before I forget about it again.   Think of it as a late Christmas gift I suppose.

Quick description:

This map is designed for Age of Empires 3 “The Warchiefs” v1.01. Castle Blood is a long requested map by a number of players in the Age of Empires III community. Castle Blood is a common map originally found in Age of Empires II. However, due to obvious differences in the two games, there are a number of changes between this Castle Blood and the old ones, especially as it is unclear as to which Castle Blood this is actually based on (I have never played Castle Blood myself and based this on what others told me). Also due to the mere concept of all-out war, there is bound to be balance issues between civilizations. Only aspects of each civilization which were outrageously powerful were removed or changed. This is more or less simply a response to those who request a “Castle Blood” map for AOE3.

Castle Blood

103 unique view(s)
December 25th, 2006
Posted by pftq

Fort Wars Power Rating

        We’ve finally gotten Elpea’s old Fort Wars ladder working again and made it even better than before!   It counts games and updates ranks automatically just like cuetech and ESO’s power rating.   Like power rating,   Free for All games are not counted.

        As we have two solid game versions of Fort Wars (AOE3 and TWC), the ladder has been split, but it should be fairly simple to figure out.   I’ve also added player statistics page and recent games (from past week).

        Anyways enjoy! Now you can see how good you actually are! :p

        Click Here for Fort Wars Power Rating!

112 unique view(s)
November 25th, 2006
Posted by pftq

987 Visitors

The past day ended with a total of 987 records, beating the old record of:

 732 on Oct-13-2006

        For once, Fort Wars  was released in perfect timing, with the Thanksgiving just being over but still during break, on a friday, and not during evening/midnight when activity is at its lowest. ^_^

         BTW, no the visitor counter does not count bots.   I’ve set it up to ignore those. :p

125 unique view(s)