Blabberbox » 42 » Auto-CC with Gmail Google WorkspaceShare on Twitter

Auto-CC with Gmail Google Workspace

December 13th, 2022 | Posted by pftq in 42 | #
For shared emails that can be sent by multiple people (in a company, team, etc), you can have any sent emails automatically CC the team by adding the below routing settings.  Basically what this does is so anyone sending from will automatically CC as well.  This is especially useful if you also allow users to send from a shared email address from their own personal Gmail account (such as from a shared Google Group email), which makes it harder to be accountable without the Auto-CC.

1) Go to Google Admin > Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail
2) Click Routing.
3) Click Add Another Rule under Routing.
4) Use the below routing settings:

Description: Name of this rule (ie Auto-CC for

Email Messages to Affect:
- Outbound
- Internal (Sending)

Also Deliver To:
- Add More Recipients:

Show More Options:
- Account Types to Affect: Users
- Envelope Filter: Only Affect Specific Envelope Senders =>
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