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FTP Tutorial

September 28th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in 42 | #

A guide and tutorial to using an FTP for Windows

 Several people who I lend webspace to have had trouble using the FTP connection. Therefore, I've written a hopefully easy-to-understand tutorial and guide to using the FTP. Different hosts/servers may vary, but it is generally about the same. Just change the address to whatever your ftp would be. Using the FTP is simple.

1) First open your windows explorer browser (open a folder such as My Computer or My Documents) and enter your address. 

Address Bar

2) A window should pop up as shown below. Click OK.

The Errorbox

3) Right-click any part of the blank white area of your window and click "Login As..."

Right-click Box

4) A login screen should appear. Fill out your username and password you should have been given. Don't forget the part in your username if you have one. You can choose to save your password if you don't want to fill it out every time.

Logging In

5) This is it! Upload your files here. They will be found in your domain. Folders show up as a directory, such as

Uploading Files

Some users may also want to add the FTP location as a drive under My Computer (like a thumbdrive), which you can do using these directions: How to Set Up FTP Using Default Network Location

Last Updated Oct 26th, 2015 | 774 unique view(s)

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