Blabberbox » Barely Made It BackShare on Twitter

Barely Made It Back

April 7th, 2007 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Bah, last time I’m riding a plane for a long time.   First we get delayed because the co-pilot got stuck in a traffic jam.   Then the plane arrives late for the connection and we barely make it in time for the next flight.   When we finally get home, the luggage is missing! They say they’ll deliver it to our home as soon as they find it.   Shame I had pretty much everything in there. <_<

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  1. kerogunso said,
    Aug-31-2009, 11:17pm

    aww sorry. but where did u go? :smile:

  2. pftq said,
    Sep-09-2009, 01:27pm

    lol I forgot.. hmm.. 2007 was a long time ago. :razz:

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